Sunday, January 26, 2020
Case Study on Adolescent Depression
Case Study on Adolescent Depression This case study concerns a teenage service user whom we shall refer to using a pseudo name, Katie, to maintain confidentiality in line with the Nursing Midwifery Council Code of Conduct (NMC, 2015). Katie suffers from a comorbidity of Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) and depression, and the focus of case study is on thedepression component. Managing and treating depression has proved to be sometimes difficult for both practitioners and patients due to its multi-dimensional aetiology which is attributed to a combination of biological, environmental and personal factors. Its impact is equally challenging as it usually associated with poor disease control, adverse health outcomes and quality of life impairment (Andreoulakis, Hyphantis, Kandylis, Iacovides, 2012).The case study will explore pathophysiological and psychological perspectives in the aetiology of depression. The objective of the survey is to undertake a systematic enquiry (Holloway, Wheeler, 2010). Using a real world situation to ga in a deeper understanding of the situation to try and solve a problem and improve the current situation (Aitken Marshall, 2007).The utility of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) is discussed as the intervention that was prescribed for Katie. The rationale is that CBT is relevant to the assessment outcomes and the symptoms presented by Katie. The GP referral to the Community Mental Health Team states that Katie is a 16-year-old enthusiastic teenager, who is in full-time education and enjoys extramural activities in school and also enjoys socialising. Recently Katie was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes (T1D) and prescribed insulin pump therapy. Following this diagnosis, Katie became remarkably withdrawn from friends and family, with expressions of hopelessness and low self-esteem. She has lost interest in the activities that she has been enjoying in her life. Her GP diagnosed depression. The condition has been getting worse and persistent for three weeks, putting a significant strain on her parents, including two siblings who live with her. The GP concluded the case warranted specialist attention and referred Kate to the Community Mental Health Team. Katies referral notes suggested that her depression should be assessed further due to deterioration in her mental health. The assessment highlighted significant depression symptoms such as poor sleeping patterns, weight loss, burdensomeness, constant feeling of sadness (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, 2016). Also, self- loathing, insomnia, lack of energy, irritable mood, physical pains and a gloomy outlook on life including diminished pleasure in enjoyable activities were the contemporary (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, 2016). The symptoms are likely to impact on the ability to cope, personal relationships and the general quality of life (Pryjmachuk, 2011). To determine the severity of Katies mental health, the Registered Nursing Practitioner took the lead in completing a Patient Health Questionnaires (PHQ-9) with Katie. Katie scored as having major depression. This self-reporting tool is critical in aiding practitioners to conceptualise depress ion as it can be used to monitor, diagnose, and measure the severity of depression (Wu, 2014). The risk of harm is critical to the assessment of depression (NICE, 2016). Studies show that mental disorders are present in 90% of suicide cases in the UK, with depression found in 60% of the cases (Centre for Suicide Research, 2012). Hence, Katie was assessed on the risk of self-harm. However, she did not state any thoughts or actions of self-harm or suicide attempts. Due to the severity and the diverse nature of her symptoms an appointment was arranged for Katie to see the team Psychiatrist. Katie agreed to the decision. This led to the intervention discussed later in the essay. Katies symptoms include loss of appetite, and there is substantial evidence that links eating disorders with depression, especially among young females (Allen, Crosby, Oddy, Byrne, 2013). As pointed out by Allen et al. (2013) Eating disorders can lead to over eating, which contributes to other problems such as obesity and type 2 diabetes, Loss of appetite can lead to malnutrition, Loss of weight and fatigue. Eating problems also lead to stomach aches, cramps and constipation (Allen et al. 2013). Literature also shows that depression is linked to nearly every other physical and mental illness, as according to the joint report (Royal College of Psychiatrists and Royal College of General Practitioners, 2009). Also, there is sufficient of evidence that physical illness disturbs our feelings and thinking, just as social, and personal stress can cause ill health (Royal College of Psychiatrists and Royal College of General Practitioners, 2009). Also, other diseases can trigger stress and o nset depression, as is the case with Katie who got depressed after a diagnosis of diabetes. Oladeji Gureje (2013) suggest that patients can be caught in a vicious circle in which depression contributes to other present conditions and vice versa. Conceptualising the pathophysiology of depression is made complicated by the fact that while the majority of patients respond to pharmacological treatments such as antidepressants, some patients remain partially or wholly unresponsive to drugs (Cryan, Leonard, 2010).In these illustrations, there are individual differences in the manifestation of depression that cannot be addressed in current drug regimes. It follows that treatment for depression needs to be observed according to how each patients response to treatment(Andersson, Cuijpers, 2008).And this should provide guidance in formulating Katies care plan in this study. However, there is research evidence that links depression for the maintenance of the homoeostasis and stress levels (Leonard, 2005; Cryan, Leonard, 2010). Stress is often well-defined as a state of real or perceived threat to homoeostasis (Leonard, 2005). The homoeostasis process function is to provide the essential balance and stability in the body systems to e nable cells to sustain life (Clancy, McVicar, 2011).Stress to the homoeostasis will activate stress response to provide the required body function balance (Leonard, 2005). Critically to the depression paradigm, the stress response mechanism is mediated by multiple responses that involve the endocrine, nervous, and immune systems, which are collectively known as the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA) (Cryan, Leonard, 2010). Changes that happen to the HPA and the immune system as a result of chronic stress can trigger anxiety and depression (Leonard, 2005). Depression is also ascribed to imbalances that arise in the brain about serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine (Charney, Feder Nestler, 2009). Evidence suggests that the physiological functions that are mediated by neurotransmitter serotonin include sleep, aggression, eating, sexual behaviour and mood (Nutt, Demyttenaere, Janka, Aarre, Bourin, Canonico, Stahl, 2007). All these symptoms are much dominant in most depression cases, and indeed symptoms such as insomnia, loss of appetite experienced by Katie. Research also suggests that reduced production of serotonergic neurones that make serotonin has an impact on mood states and contributes to depression (Nutt et al. 2007). However, several lines of evidence suggest that neurotransmitter dopamine is involved in motivation that drives to seek reward and pleasure, and it is believed low levels on this transmitter play a role when depressed people cease to enjoy activities that they enjoyed in the past (Charney et al. 2009). Katie had been a vibrant juvenile and lost all the passion for passion when she was diagnosed with depression. Research suggests antidepressants play a role in improving neurotransmitter imbalances (Anderson, 2013). However, in the case of Katie, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, NICE (2017), recommends that antidepressants should be used in young people and children only after alternative therapies have been considered. The psychological impact of depression on the patient is concerned with the patients concepts of self, how they conceptualise their illness and the world around them (Barlow, 2014). It is quite critical as this impact on behaviour and treatment outcomes (Sanders Hill, 2014). Above all, an analysis of Katies symptoms and assessment suggest there are significant psychological issues. The symptoms that relate to behaviour include lack of motivation as shown by poor school work and lack of interest in social events that she enjoyed before. She is no longer taking responsibility for daily actions and routines. Katies care plan and treatment should aim to address this. There are also symptoms that relate to self. She felt continuously sad about her present condition, resulting in emergency visits to her GP. In other words, Katie may have felt a loss of status and purpose, having become remarkably withdrawn from friends and family, she was not able to retain a sense of confidence in her th e future. Some of Katies psychological concerns can be addressed within the Community Mental Health Team working with other professionals and Katies Care-Coordinator, and also with Katies family. The support of family and friends could be mobilised to give emotional, spiritual and financial assistance, with her family assuming an influential changing role and responsibilities when one person is ill (Washington Leaver, 2009). The motivation for Katies to participate in daily activities could be initiated by working with the Occupational Therapy to engage in activities at the community centre. Sanders and Hill (2014) examined the psychological impact of depression, in so far as it is conceptualised by the patient, as grounded in the concept of self. They assert that the idea of self is concerned with perceptions and awareness of being, the pattern of perceptions, which is also concerned with consequences for personality and change (Sanders Hill, 2014). Also, a well-functioning self-characterised by assimilation and ability to respond to new experiences. However, a good self-process can become impeded by other impaired person -processes such as intrusive thoughts and any other perceptions that pose a threat and target the self (Sanders Hill, 2014). Threats to the self, which can be internal or external, can culminate in patterned restrictions on perceptions and response which is configured as depression expressed in symptoms such as pervasive feelings of negativity (Sanders and Hill, 2014). This conceptualisation encapsulates Katies perception of herself as Katie could st ill enjoy her life only if she could change her perception of herself. Katies intervention needs to focus on changing her perception of herself. Specifically, the Nursing process involves identification of priorities as well as the determination of appropriate patient-specific outcomes and arbitration, thus determine the urgency of the identified problem and prioritising the patients needs (Ackley, Ladwig, 2013). In other words, mutual goal setting, along with symptom, pattern, recognition and triggers, will help prioritise interventions and determine which intervention is going to provide the greatest impact (Ackley, Ladwig, 2013). Heeramun-Aubeeluck, Luo, (2012) assert that collaborative care, behavioural interventions, and psycho-education are helpful in encouraging patients to maintain treatment and enhance psychological well-being and quality of life. The intervention chosen for Katie in this case study is Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT). CBT can be accessed through referral to Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT). CBT is supported by NICE (2017), and also various government publications over the years have recommended the use of CBT such as No Health without Mental Health (Department of Health, 2011) and Talking Therapies. CBT is concerned with how people think (cognition), how they feel (emotion) and how they act (behaviour) (Daniels, 2015). CBT is psychoeducational and focused on changing the way people conceptualise illness to influence their behaviour and attitude (Daniels, 2015). The objective of cognitive processing is to examine patients thoughts and help them to learn the skills of acknowledging negative thoughts, often referred to as negative automatic thoughts (NATs). They will then be able to re-evaluate these ideas using an objective framework, and this can involve using approach to gathering evidence for the validity of ideas, such as proof against and for, surveys, or asking a trusted other (Grist, 2011). The rationale for CBT in this study is that its characteristics as a therapy would be helpful to address Katies symptoms and profile, as mostly the symptoms that impact on her quality of life are of cognitive and behavioural nature. Equally important, a problem-solving approach will be adopted to structure and organise Katies nursing care and treatment. Katie will be involved in the whole process to empower her in her care plan through a person-centred approach and intervention that is evidence-based. Evidence-based interventions are practices or programs that have peer-reviewed, documented empirical evidence of effectiveness. Evidence-based interventions use a continuum of activities, strategies, integrated policies, and services whose effectiveness has been verified or informed by research and evaluation (National Resources Centre for Mental Health Promotion Youth Violence Prevention, 2017).Gulanick Myers (2016) contend that intervention is a basis for excellence in nursing practice, which includes correctly identifying existing needs, as well as recognising potential needs or risk, planning, delivering care in own fashion to address actual and prospective needs as well as evaluating the effectiveness care. More importantly, nurses must be able to work autonomously with confidence with significant others, such as families, friends, and carers to ensure Katies needs are met, including self-care arrangement (Nursing and Midwifery Council, 2015). Besides, as the name suggests, CBT comprises distinct therapy approaches that the address either the cognitive or the behavioural aspects associated with mood disorders, including depression. In CBT cognitive and behavioural approaches can be used in combination or unilaterally (Dobson Dozois, 2009). The behavioural perspective in CBT looks at the environment and behaviour of the patient. Depressive symptoms are attributed to a decrease in environmental reward, reinforcement of depressive reactions and avoiding alternative actions that facilitate good health (Hopko, Lejuez, Lepage, Hopko, McNeil, 2003). The behavioural perspective to depression underpinned by the works of Lewisohn (1974), who concluded that the pleasure obtained through interaction with ones environment increases the likelihood of a rewarding behaviour. Further, change in the environment could result in deficient response-contingent positive reinforcement (RCPR) which directly contributes to depression (Dobson Dozois, 2009). Dobson Dozois, (2009) highlights Response-Contingent Positive Reinforcement as positive or pleasurable effects deriving from the behaviour of a person within their environment and the likelihood of increasing such conduct. Behavioural Activation therapy has proved to be useful in addressing deficient RCPR and improving mood and thoughts. This treatment focuses on availing activities that support environmental reinforcement (Hopko et al. 2003). Both the cognitive a nd the behavioural components of treatment would benefit Katie. Sheldon (2011) contends that CBT is a therapeutic approach that involves talks and conferences. In this therapy, the patients are involved in discussions, and they express their feelings, behaviours and thoughts to a CBT professional during the initial assessment (Sheldon, 2011). Kassel (2016)asserts the value of CBT as a therapy that teaches individuals how to think and react to certain stressful situations appropriately and can be used for some across a range of disorders including phobias, schizophrenia, depression, eating disorders, anxiety disorders, and relationship difficulties. When embarking on CBT interventions, the therapist uses information collected from an interview the patient; in this case, it would be with Katie and guides her through a description of the CBT model of depression as it applies to her profile and symptoms (Kassel, 2016). Also, general models of how thoughts, moods, behaviours, and physica l sensations interact are discussed, enabling identification of a model as it relates to the patients life. Several lines of evidence suggest that CBT is one of the most effective treatments when anxiety and depression present as the primary symptoms (Royal College of Psychiatrists, 2009). Further, CBT helps to make sense of a profound problem by breaking it down into smaller bits (Kassel, 2016). The National Centre for Biotechnology Information (2012) highlights that a combination therapy consisting of medical drugs and CBT has been establishing to be more efficient when that when medication is used alone in patients with more severe, recurrent or chronic forms of depression in the acute treatment phase. However, as highlighted by RCP (2009) CBT does not a quick fix, and if the patient is feeling depressed, it will be difficult to concentrate on getting them motivated. Further, CBT courses can last for six weeks to sixths months depending on the type of problem, and how motivated the patient is on engaging. CBT offers some significant advantages as an alternative therapy. Given all that h as been mentioned so far, it is evident that CBT has considerable influence on the disease burden of depression as the treatment is safe and cheap (RCP, 2009). Also, it can administer as a self-help programme. CBT is now also delivered online, however, the quality of these trails is not always right (Andersson, Cuijpers, 2008). RCP (2009) notes that some research suggests that CBT may be better than antidepressant at preventing depression relapses. However, it is necessary for the patient to keep practising their CBT skills, even after they are feeling better CONCLUSION The two dominant approaches to conceptualising and treating depression that is the physiological perspective and psychological perspective, offer plausible concepts in understanding the aetiology of depression, yet the patient may attach different conceptualization of the illness, which results from the idea of the self. The idea of the self is quite critical in treatment outcomes in so far as it mediates changes in cognition and behaviour. However, it has not yet been clearly established how the perspectives interact to cause depression symptoms. This case study highlights that when treating depression, it is essential to carefully monitor the response to treatment as some people will not respond to available therapies. Further, as some people dont respond to treatment, there is a lot of research that needs to be done to understand how antidepressants work in different people entirely. Finally, cognitive behavioural therapy has numerous benefits for patients, including, decreased ps ychological distress, improved pain management, increasing self-efficacy, execute the sources of action required to manage prospective situations, better quality of life and function. References Ackley, B. J., Ladwig, G. B. (2013). Nursing diagnosis handbook: An evidence-based guide to planning care (10th ed.). St. Louis, Mo;London; Elsevier Mosby Allen, K. L., Crosby, R. D., Oddy, W. H., Byrne, S. M. (2013). Eating disorder symptom Trajectories in adolescence: Effects of time, participant sex, and early adolescent depressive symptoms. 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Saturday, January 18, 2020
Indian poet from around the 16th or 17th century, known as the father of the Malayalam languageââ¬âwhich is the principal language of the Indian state of Kerala, spoken by 36 million people in the world. [1] In his era, Vattezhuttu, an old script originally used to write Tamil, was generally used in Kerala to write this language. However, he wrote his Malayalam poems in Arya-ezhuttu, a Grantha-based script originally used to write Sanskrit, so that he could accurately transliterate Sanskrit words into Malayalam. His works became unprecedentedly popular, which also popularized the writing system adopted by him, and that is the current Malayalam alphabet. He was born in Trikkantiyur ( , Tr? kka iyur), in the town of Tirur, in Kerala. At that time,it was a part of Vettattnad. [2] His personal name is Ramanujan. Thunchaththu is his ââ¬Å"family nameâ⬠, and Ezhuthachan (schoolmaster) is an honorific title or the last name indicating his caste. His name is transliterated in several different ways, including Thunchath Ezhuthachan, Thunchaththu Ezhuthachan, and Thunjath Ezhuthachan. Thunchaththu Ezhuthachan lived in the 16th century,[3][4] or the 16th century. [5] He was born at Trikkantiyur (Trkkantiyur) in the Tirur municipality, Malappuram, Kerala, India. His birthplace is now known as Thunjan Parambu. According to Arthur Coke Burnell, he was ââ¬Å"a low-caste man who goes under the name Tunjatta E? uttacchan, a native of Trikka iyur in the present [1874] district of Malabar. He lived in the seventeenth century, but his real name is forgotten; Tunjatta being his ââ¬Ëhouseââ¬â¢ or family-name, and E? uttacchan (=schoolmaster) indicating his casteâ⬠. 6] In 1865, Burnell actually saw the manuscript of the Bhagavata translated and adapted by Thunchaththu, allegedly copied by his sister, preserved at Puzhakkal in the Chittur taluk, and wrote in his book published in 1874: ââ¬Å"The authorââ¬â¢s stool, clogs, and staff are preserved in the same place; it thus looks as if Tunjatta E? uttacchan was a sannyasi of some order. â⬠[7] Some sources[who ? ] state that he was born into a Chakkala Nair among Nairs) family, held low among Savarna hindu caste system of Kerala and among the Nair caste. Some apocryphal legends have that Ezhuthachan's father was a Namboodiri . That version is totally ahistoric. [8] A few sources claim that he was of the Ezhuthachan caste. A. C. Burnell, a noted indologist, had categorically stated that Thunchaththu Ezhuthachan belongs to Ezhuthachan Caste only. He had stated this when he edited an article written by another important scholar F. W. Ellis when he published that article in ââ¬Å"Indian Antiquery â⬠in 1878 after the death of linguist Ellis. In that path breaking article Ellis articulated the evolution of Malayalam (ââ¬Å"Malayanmaâ⬠) and other south indian languages. F. W. Ellis had stated: A Brahman without a father must be born of an unmarried female of that tribe, whose celibacy ought to have been inviolate: he is considered, therefore, illegitimate, and has scarcely an assignable place in society. Elutt' Achan, or the ââ¬ËFather of Letters', was a Brahman without a father, and on that account has no patronymicâ⬠¦. The Brahmans envied his genius and are said to have seduced him by the ar ts of sorcery into the habit of ebrietyâ⬠¦.. he enriched the Malayalam with the translations, all of which, it is said, he composed under the immediate influence of intoxicationâ⬠¦. To which A. C. Brunell added the footnote: ââ¬Å"Eluttachchan [sic] lived in the 17th century; there is no reason for supposing that he was a Brahman father's illegitimate son; he was certainly an Eluttachchan (or schoolmaster) by casteâ⬠Great Malayalam poet and historian Ulloor S. Parameswara Iyer concludes Ezhuthachan as either Chakkala Nair or Vattekattu Nair. Sri K. Balakrishna kurup in his famous book ââ¬Å"Viswathinte Kanappurangalâ⬠published by Mathrubhumi ptg and publishing company Kozhikode had stated that Thunchaththu Ezhuthachan belongs to Ezhuthachan caste. Prof. T. B. Vijayakumar noted scholar, historian had written many articles in all prestigious journals, like Mathrubhumi Weekly, had also stated that Thunchaththu Ezhuthachan belongs to Ezhuthachan caste. In nut shell, Ezhuthachan was a Kaniyan by caste and had a title Ezhuthu Asan in relation with his teaching service in Ezhuthupalli. In the Pre and early British ruling era of Kerala, the Kaniyans (traditional astrologers) were the only class who had undertaken the role of teaching letters, grammar, sanskrit and literature to non Brahmin communities. So they were known Ezhuthu Asan (Ezhuthachan in the vernacular), but, later this professional name was adopted by the descendants of families of non Brahmin disciples of Thunchat Ezhutahchan ,as a special caste or class. Most of these people were from Chakkala Nair and Kadupattan castes. [edit]Father of Malayalam language According to Dr K N Ezhuthachan, noted scholar, writer, essayist, poet, only Ramayanam and Bharatham belong to him. Others, usually attributed to him, were not really his . See his two volume selected works of Dr K N Ezhuthachan, published by Kerala Sahithya Akademi Thrissur. According to Dr K N Ezhuthachan even â⬠Uththara ramayanamâ⬠is not of his. Its compostion lacks Ezhuthachan's stamp and genius. There may have been many popular keerthanas, namam or japam by other poets, but it was veritably impossible to find a single house in Kerala without Ezhuthachan's ââ¬Å"Adhyathmaramayanamâ⬠during those dark times of war, disease and famine. There is no doubt about his contribution to the literary level of the common man. Ezhuthachan taught the people to respect and worship the language and the alphabet, a level of culture which is difficult to find even in the modern era. He refined the Malayalam language style and wrote his works for ordinary people, incorporating whatever is good with a strong sense of righteousness and worship. His contribution to the Malayalam language through the Adhyatmaramayanam (a translation of the Ramayana and ââ¬Å"Mahabharathamâ⬠(a translation of the Mahabharata) is unparalleled, and his contribution in the cultural level is immense. His chief original works are said to include the:[9]: Keralolpathi Hari Nama Keerthanam ââ¬â The song of the Holy Name ââ¬Å"Hariâ⬠Ganapatistavam Kilippatu Prasthanam Devi Mahatmayam Kerala Natakam Harihara Sudham Various census reports (Census reports of erstwhile Madras presidency- Census reports erstwhile princely states of Cochin and Travoncore were also included in that) from 1870 onwards- Ezhuthachan Caste was shown as low caste sudra caste. [10] ââ¬Å"â⬠¦ [T]he phrase ââ¬Ëfather of languageââ¬â¢ is a symbolic reference. Language represents culture. So Ezhuthachan is in fact denoting culture. He shone as a brilliant star above our culture. He renovated the alphabets of heart. We see the light of conscience and moderation in Ezhuthachan. We call him ââ¬Ëthe father of Malayalam languageââ¬â¢ because he led the language to a new dimension. â⬠ââ¬â Chattanath Achuthanunni Chair Thunjan Festival meeting (1998 ) Great poet Mahakavi Kodungallore Kunhikuttan Thampuran who was a titan among poets, who singlehandedly translated entire Mahabharatham into Malayalam vernacular within short span of time, stated in an article in a literaray journal, ââ¬Å"Rasikaranjiniâ⬠edited by himself, that Thunchath Ezhuthachan belonged to Ezhuthachan Caste only. [edit]
Thursday, January 9, 2020
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The rise of vernacular publications and special-interest publications are the vital developments in the business. If you aren't sure of where to purchase a research paper from, I'll counsel you to look at the websites of review websites that offer unbiased criticism of the services they supply. Though there are various types of media like television and internet, newspapers continue to be popular as a result of their portability. Make sure you check the research paper for plagiarism utilizing special software or internet websites. Everybody knows that students are almost always short of money and it might be a huge issue. Sometimes you would like to find some help so you can finish your research paper in the greatest possible way. As a consequence, students struggle to attempt to determine the method by which the report ought to be organized, especially when we're speaking about coursework. The period paper plays an important function in determining the last outcome of the graduation degree and the completion of the training course. Upon your request you are going to be offered with the writer with the essential qualifications to finish the paper as you require it. The majority of the problems in the newspaper are out of date once the subsequent one is printed. Include your timetable also to make certain you understand just exactly where you must be at any time of the day. The 5-Minute Rule for Paper Writing While there's no room and space for the notion of research writing you need to make adjustments accordingly. When most students hear the term experiment, the first thing springs to mind is probably a lab set up. If you're struggling to produce an idea for a well-crafted paper, think about a sking yourself a wide variety of cultural anthropology research questions. As you are handling the notion of research writing you have to remember that you attempt to create the things accordingly.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Human Resources at ASDA - 6733 Words
Task 1 i) The Human Resource Management or personnel function of ASDA covers a variety of activities. The term Human Resource Management has largely replaced the old-fashioned word personnel, which was used in the past. The types of work covered in the Human resource function might include the following: à ·A Policy-making role - This is important because the Human resourcesdepartment need to be making big policies thatcover the place of work and the importance of thepeople in ASDA. à ·A Welfare role - The welfare role concerned with taking care ofpeople in the work place including their needs. à ·A Supporting role - This role is concerned with helping department managers appoint and train new workers. à ·A Bargaining and negotiatingâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences regulations 1985 (RIDDOR). RIDDOR set out that injuries resulting from accidents at work where an employee is incapacitated for three or more days must be reported to the authorities within seven days. Injuries involving fatalities must be notified immediately by the most practical means (e.g. by phone). Listed diseases must also be notified. ASDA will, keep statistics on both minor accidents at work (i.e. ones however minor that involve some form of first aid) and accidents that have to be reported to the authorities under RIDDOR. ASDA will want to keep internal statistics to make sure that undesirable trends do not occur. In the course of time ASDA will want to see accident levels falling. Accident rates can be calculated simply as the number of accidents per year within a chosen unit (team, firm, industry, etc...). In calculating accident rates in ASDA, the most accurate method is to calculate the statistics according to each employee working in the industry or per hour worked by employees in the industry. This is because some industries employ far more people than others and because the numbers employed change over time. Age, skills and training ASDA will have a range of employees who have worked for different lengths of time and who have different levels of skills and training. The Human Resource planner willShow MoreRelatedA Brief Note On Asda And Its Sources And Purpose Of Information803 Words à |à 4 PagesINTRODUCTION In this task, I will talk about an organisation called Asda, I will talk about their history, different types of information used in Asda, their sources and purpose of information. History of Asda ASDA Stores Limited is an American-owned business, headquartered in Leeds, West Yorkshire. Asda is a subsidiary of Wal-Mart, the American retail supermarket since July 1999 and it is now the second-largest supermarket in the market. 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The restaurant employs about 130 people. Its structure is a tall hierarchal structure. On top you find the Head Office which consists of the owner of Asda and the board of directors, after youRead MoreWal-Mart Asda1310 Words à |à 6 PagesWal-Mart ââ¬â ASDA in the UK Two international marketing objectives â⬠¢ Increase overall market share in the UK with their company ADSA by 15% by the end of the year â⬠¢ Increase overall sales in the supermarket industry by 1 billion dollars in the next year Communication Strategy In assessing the current communication opportunities for the supermarket giant, Wal-Mart, you can look at their current audience, and their trends. The general audience for the Wal-Mart company can be very generalRead MoreEffective Operation Of Human Resource Management Function1593 Words à |à 7 PagesQUESTION: Select two topics from the list below and critically discuss how they contribute to the effective operation of the Human Resource Management function. Your discussion must include theoretical issues and organisational examples. (100 marks) Introduction In this task, I will be discussing how recruitment and rewards contribute to the effective operation of HRM function. The purpose of HRM function is to get the utmost out of a business by improving the efficacy of its employees. A businessRead MoreASDA communication methods1433 Words à |à 6 Pagesï » ¿ ASDA ââ¬â STRATEGIC DECISIONS ASDA is a large organisation that operates internationally; therefore they have branches in different areas. Their main targets are families, and they do everything towards making good customer satisfaction. In order to make this possible they communicate with their customers and employees through different methods. ASDA has their strategic decisions to operate and keep the customers informed. First method used in ASDA is dropping leaflets/catalogues. This is aRead MoreThe Uk Supermarkets Industry For The Market1661 Words à |à 7 PagesWe will be looking at primary activities which are linked with creating and delivering a product and secondary activities which are not directly involved in production but still may increase the efficiency of the running of this business i.e. Human Resource Management team. Value chain analysis à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à Fig. 1 John Lewisââ¬â¢ Value Creation à à à à à Fig. 2 Value Chain analysis à The model above shows the genericRead MoreBusiness Communication M11862 Words à |à 8 PagesM1 Business Communication INTRODUCTION In P1 I talked about types of communications used by Asda and these are Verbal, written, on- screen. 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ASDA is headedRead MoreBusiness Environment of Asda2967 Words à |à 12 Pagesthis report is to evaluate the human resourcing function and personnel management. The report aims to research and analyse, through a wide selection of resources, the severity of the implications and review some human resources functions. Introduction In this assignment I have been required to select a business and research, investigate and observe recruitment and selection functions of that business procedure. I have been also asked to describe their human resources management activities undertaken
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