Saturday, August 31, 2019
Is Fame Good Or Bad?
Most people think that being famous is heaven, but it's more like hell. What do you think? Phenomenom of fame is widespread around the world. Being famous today is not the same as it was 50-100 years ago. Andy Warhol once said : In the future everyone will have their 15 minutes of fame. Well, in my opinion, that time has come. People from all around the world are trying to get their way out there on the stage. It has become easy to acquire fame, but difficult to keep it. People get famous for doing nothing and the ones who want to become famous don't have many obstacles on their way.They can just apply on a reality show and soon their names will be on the tops of ââ¬Å¾the most searchedââ¬Å" lists on Google and Yahoo, and not to mention the yellow press. Little girls and boys from all around the world are, when asked what do they want to be when they grow up, usually answering that they want to be famous. Fame has lost its value. Celebrities with or without justified reasons to be famous are followed by a bunch of paparazzi each day. They are getting interviewed and photographed for worthless magazines intended for masses.Their private lives become a matter of abstraction and are endangered. As for those whose fame is a result of hard work, talent, high IQ or great achievements, their fame is well-earned. Such are, for example, great writers, mathematicians and artists. They are usually the ones who are, no matter how good they are at what they do, less famous than the ones who deserve it less. That is good because they don't need to sacrifice their private lives, they have their freedom of expression + they make a lot of money. As for me, I'm not a fan of fame and I think it's lame.People are sometimes desperate, don't receive enough of attention in their private lives and they search for a way out by becoming an object of admiration in other peoples life by being famous. On the other hand, there are people whose fame is a result of their great work and the y have to take that difficult burden of fame on their backs. Either way, I wouldn't like to be famous. Sometimes I don't like being alone, but there are people whose solitude is not even a matter of choice and represents an impossible mission. Threathing my private life, I do the same thing to my familys' and friends' life and that I cannot cope with.I don't need other peoples admiration to accept myself the way I am. Money, fame, fortune, and everything that goes with it- yes, sure it can be helpful, but having everything is sometimes just the same as having nothing, because it usually means not wanting anything. Any by not wanting anything, we don't have real goals in our life or anything that can bring us joy. That's why I prefer solitude over fame and fortune. It's hard enough to prove to myself everyday, proving myself to whole world everyday would really be a hell.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Losing Your Identity Essay
People from around the world immigrate to the United States in hopes of finding the Promised Land. Some may define the promise land, as a land of freedom, a land of abundance, a land of peace, or a land of education. Most define it as a land of opportunity for a better life. America is a land full of culture and diversity, although it is notoriously difficult to characterize ââ¬Å"Americanâ⬠culture. Is it possible to move to a land such as America, full of culture and diversity, and yet preserve your own traditions and cultural identity? Some believe this to be very difficult to do, due to materialism, beliefs and language barriers. The counter argument would be that Americans are open to new cultural experiences, are welcome to newcomers, and are willing to help give support. I believe that it would be difficult to move to America, try to find your place in materialistic culture while preserving your own culture and beliefs while learning a new language. There is a culture in this country whether spoken or unspoken. It is clearly visible in everything we say, do, or think. In the United States, we expect to compete in every aspect of our lives, a daily reminder of our status, the ladder of our success. Americans are materialistic. We want to own the newest iPhone, to wear the newest fashion, to drive the newest and most expensive cars, and to have a big house with a pool. We celebrate holidays and forget the true meaning of the day we are celebrating. Our traditions can easily include consuming goods that are unneeded or even unwanted. A few years ago my friend fell into great debt during the Christmas season because she and her family made too many purchases that exceed their income, only because they wanted to please others. I can see how this kind of behavior would be confusing or shocking to someone with traditions that have little to do with material items or status. In addition to many of our traditions being different, some of our religious beliefs may be confusing to a foreigner. They may want to hold on to their beliefs and find it difficult to do so, due to peer pressure. They may even find it hard to practice their beliefs because of racism. When my children were in grammar school, they were allowed to say the pledge of allegiance in their classroom. One of the students was able to leave the classroom every time they did this because her beliefs were different. As a child, she found it difficult to understand, being the only one in the classroom with those beliefs. Some of the children were open to her leaving and others would make comments. She was moved to a land where she was free to practice her religion, but at the same time shamed from her peers. As a result, she stayed at home on many of the school days that holidays were celebrated in the classroom. Besides adapting to the local weather, the food, work place and new technology, one must also learn a new language. If an immigrant has trouble speaking the language it could be difficult to communicate their wants and needs in life and on the job. If they order the wrong meal it could be dangerous if they are allergic to certain foods. If they do not understand the news or cannot read the newspaper, they may find it hard to seek out individuals who have the same beliefs or traditions. For example, this weekend in San Francisco, there is a grand parade for Chinese New Year. If an immigrant from China had moved to Modesto this weekend and could not speak or read English, they may not have know of this event or be able to find their way to the event. Learning a new language is difficult and can be overwhelming. It may take some time to learn the language before being able to communicate properly. In conclusion, many immigrants do succeed in America. Although, I think it is difficult to stay true to their traditions and beliefs while learning a new language and trying to keep up with the high demands of a materialistic society. Children may feel the pressures of their peers to fit in and be more main stream. Depending on their annual income, immigrants may find it hard to buy the things that they want or feel the need to buy, such as cars, houses, and clothing. It may also be difficult to find peers with similar beliefs and traditions if there is a language barrier. I am the sixth generation born and raised in California, so I find it hard to relate. But, I will remain to be an American who is open to new cultural experiences and will always welcome newcomers and offer support when I can.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Is aid good or bad?
Aid is a form of help usually given by the wealthy areas of the world to the poorer areas. Aid tries to help countries to develop and improve their standards of living and quality life. There are many advantages and disadvantages to giving aid. The aid that we give can save lives in times of disaster! Giving aid can help to reconstruct livings and housing after a disaster. Aid can also provide medical training, medicines and equipment. This will improve health and standards of living because in other countries, medical care is very expensive and not very good.It is hard for them to get well trained staff, and the right equipment so if another country can provide this for them, they can give better quality medical attention to more people and for less money. This will save many lives because in a poor country, some people cannot afford to get help and they die, or they get attention but it is not helpful because they donââ¬â¢t have well trained staff, or the right medicine and equi pment. Aid for agriculture will increase food production and the quality and quantity of food available.This will also improve health and standards of living for the people who donââ¬â¢t have food because there will be more available. Aid for industrial development will not only improve transport organisation, but it will also create jobs for those who are jobless and who need money for their families. However, there are some disadvantages of giving aid. Giving aid can cause on Less Economically Developed Countries (LEDCââ¬â¢s) to rely on richer countries to supply them with all that they need. Sometimes aid is a loan, not a gift, and poor countries may find it hard to pay back what they owe.They could get so used to just getting all they need for nothing and failing to progress themselves! Another disadvantage is that the people who need aid the most, may not actually receive it. For example if medical aid was given to a country, they might use it to get well trained staff, a nd lots of equipment and medicine, just making the prices higher, causing less people being able to afford it, which leads to less people with medical attention, and more people dying or politicians could use the aid for their own means or for political gain.Or, rather than the aid helping to create more jobs, they could just use it to benefit the people who already have jobs by paying them more. Giving aid could also lead to prices of food and water going up. This could happen if the country spends a lot of money on improving the quality of the food and water then the price ends up increasing. In conclusion, although aid is not always used in the right way, I think that it is a very good thing to give. If aid is shared equally then it is very useful and will really help the country develop and improve their standards of living and quality life. Is aid good or bad? Aid is a form of help usually given by the wealthy areas of the world to the poorer areas. Aid tries to help countries to develop and improve their standards of living and quality life. There are many advantages and disadvantages to giving aid. The aid that we give can save lives in times of disaster! Giving aid can help to reconstruct livings and housing after a disaster. Aid can also provide medical training, medicines and equipment. This will improve health and standards of living because in other countries, medical care is very expensive and not very good.It is hard for them to get well trained staff, and the right equipment so if another country can provide this for them, they can give better quality medical attention to more people and for less money. This will save many lives because in a poor country, some people cannot afford to get help and they die, or they get attention but it is not helpful because they donââ¬â¢t have well trained staff, or the right medicine and equi pment. Aid for agriculture will increase food production and the quality and quantity of food available.This will also improve health and standards of living for the people who donââ¬â¢t have food because there will be more available. Aid for industrial development will not only improve transport organisation, but it will also create jobs for those who are jobless and who need money for their families. However, there are some disadvantages of giving aid. Giving aid can cause on Less Economically Developed Countries (LEDCââ¬â¢s) to rely on richer countries to supply them with all that they need. Sometimes aid is a loan, not a gift, and poor countries may find it hard to pay back what they owe.They could get so used to just getting all they need for nothing and failing to progress themselves! Another disadvantage is that the people who need aid the most, may not actually receive it. For example if medical aid was given to a country, they might use it to get well trained staff, a nd lots of equipment and medicine, just making the prices higher, causing less people being able to afford it, which leads to less people with medical attention, and more people dying or politicians could use the aid for their own means or for political gain.Or, rather than the aid helping to create more jobs, they could just use it to benefit the people who already have jobs by paying them more. Giving aid could also lead to prices of food and water going up. This could happen if the country spends a lot of money on improving the quality of the food and water then the price ends up increasing. In conclusion, although aid is not always used in the right way, I think that it is a very good thing to give. If aid is shared equally then it is very useful and will really help the country develop and improve their standards of living and quality life.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Music Cultures & Marketing Principles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Music Cultures & Marketing Principles - Essay Example Presently, digital media is a mass source in context of production, consumption and distribution of music. The growing competition in the entertainment industry has resulted in a greater demand for strong marketing strategy so that the industry is protected from piracy and distribution is not hampered in the process. The music industry can be classified in two sectors: music recording and musical events (Vaccaro and Cohn, 2004). The paper focuses on discussing various components of marketing mix that has positive impact on the industry as a whole. Music industry is primarily defined by the creation and selling of music by an individual or by certain company. The recording industry is one of the primary sources of income in the music and entertainment industry. There are a number of individuals who operate within the music industry namely, music composer, lyricists, instrumentalists, music publishers, producers, sound engineers and legal managers. The functions in the recording industry do not end with just creation of music; it is rather the first step which is followed by several other steps such as giving the music shape of commodity in the form of CDs, DVDs and soft copies, marketing and promoting the recorded sound and selling the same at a pre-decided price (Hull, Hutchison and Strasser, 2011). Rapid evolution of interactive marketing methods and online distribution channels, following ongoing marketing trends may not prove sufficient for recording companies. The companies need to focus developing marketing strategy for the future while considering current trends as the base. Two important measures that these companies require adopting include legalisation of the music they produce so as to gain control and undertake measure to compete with piracy as going by the trend, it is almost impossible for even legal institutions to stop piracy. In the following section, each element of marketing mix has been discussed elaborately that record
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Computer Sciences and Information Technology Essay - 4
Computer Sciences and Information Technology - Essay Example They also expound how the finale of the Cold War blinded the country to the need to tackle these issues critically, and how Chinaââ¬â¢s instructive successes, industrial supremacy, and technological aptitude make America reminisce the ways in which that used to be America at one point. They also explicate how the paralysis of Americaââ¬â¢s political structure and the attrition of fundamental American principles made it impractical for the nation to execute the policies. These are policies that the nation urgently requires. This is a volume that delves into the significant quandaries impacting America (Friedman and Mandelbaum, p.3). The significant quandaries outlined in the volume adversely confront the American nation, and hence; illuminate on the need to educate the labour force. This is crucial in this epoch of rapid globalization and drastic advancements in information technology. Additionally, there is also necessity to conquer the war on mathematics which has continuously led the nationââ¬â¢s uncontrolled cut on revenues and ignore the influence of deficits and the escalating debt burden. The warfare on physics has also resulted in the widespread rebuff of the realities of the energy plan and climate change strategies. There is also the political stalemate that is as a consequence of money in political affairs. In addition, there is the nationââ¬â¢s failure to invest in fundamental scientific research. Furthermore, this is a consequence of failure to address crucial infrastructure and to execute and sustain sound legislation of the markets. This consequently adds onto the quandary of globalization (Friedman and Mandelbaum, p. 183). The importance of globalization is the unrestricted movement of individuals, items and services. This idea disseminated from the U.S. to other nations. The nation enjoyed tremendous economic advancement. However, the country did not cater for the impacts of this globalization. With regard to globalization and techno logical advancement, jobs and individualsââ¬â¢ careers have been polarized. This polarization has resulted into eradication of habitual, middle skill jobs retaining high skill careers only which demand extensive education and numerous low salary jobs. These jobs, however, cannot be computerized. Nonetheless, the authors do not envisage the probable dramatic advancement of technology in the approaching decades (Friedman and Mandelbaum, p. 10). The two authors, however, profoundly believe that the revitalization of American prominence is achievable and possible. They explain how, Americaââ¬â¢s account, when correctly comprehended, provides a five-part procedure for prosperity that will enhance America to cope effectively with the present issues. They provide vibrant profiles of persons who have not lost hope on the American habits of gallant thought and remarkable action. They recommend a lucid way out of the predicament into which the American nation has fallen. This process al so comprises the rediscovery of some of the nationââ¬â¢s crucial principles and customs. Additionally, they foster the initiation of a novel, third party revolution to spur the nation. This volume is both an incisive exploration of the American situation today and a stimulating program for American revitalization. The volume commences by contrasting a six-month project to repair two escalators at New Jersey train depot with an eight months operation in China.
Fed May Cut Rate Below Inflation, Risking Bubbles Essay
Fed May Cut Rate Below Inflation, Risking Bubbles - Essay Example As noted by Mishkin (2006), the interdependence of international monetary systems has created a situation which no economy can be considered an island on its own insulated from developing situations in other economic regions of the world. The interest rate reduction by the Federal Reserve has caused shockwaves across the oceans and financial markets around the world have been forced to reduce their interest rates as well (Torres and Kennedy, 2008). Additionally, as interest rates are reduced, investors can consider it more feasible to invest in securities which carry more risk since the rewards for investing in banks seems less attractive (Mishkin, 2006). This means that stocks become more desirable due to the higher returns on investment provided by them. The interest rate cuts has helped the stock markets as reported by the article where Standard and Poorââ¬â¢s 500 Index rose almost a full percentage point and even the global stock markets showed a positive turn as the MSCI World Index also displayed an increase of 0.8 percent (Torres and Kennedy, 2008). However, there does appear to be some conflict between what is happening in the economy as compared to what the Federal Reserve is doing since the steps being taken by them are usually taken during a recession. While some signs in the economy are recessionary, it is difficult to say that alarm bells should start ringing so quickly in the offices of the Federal Reserve (Torres and Kennedy, 2008). Perhaps a more cautionary approach would be more justifiable since such levels of interest rates could create economic bubbles where many investors could lose billions. Such a warning is given quite clearly in the article itself which warns that credit seekers would get a very good bargain at the moment but this could lead to over lending by the banks in effect leading the country towards another stream of consumer credit problems (Torres and Kennedy, 2008). With rising levels of unemployment and increasing costs
Monday, August 26, 2019
Book report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Book report - Essay Example He has written a beautiful and thought provoking account on the social history that many people would not have known. Throughout the book, Osofsky uses his great appealing writing to attract the reader till the end. With an attractive way of revealing details, he highlights the change of Harlem from being the largest segregated neighborhood in the nation to a slum. He had never been to Harlem or talked to the people there, but the way he wrote about it would tell you much more about the way he has used his mind. There have been many books previously written around the same topic but in most of these books the authors have only tried to look for the history of Negroes from the surface. The growth and development of the Negro communities have not been a very important issue since the civil war. Many people want to study about the Negro life but the material that is available is scanty. There are newspapers and various kinds of documents available through which one can go back to the 20 th century. The Negro life in the cities can also be generalized through interviews with elderly people who have seen and experienced how the Negroes have settled their tough lives in the areas. There are a few authors who have researched and talked about the Negro history in their books and Osofsky has written one of the finest books. He has shown a series of events that took place since the Negro Resolution in the 1960ââ¬â¢s and how the creation of a Harlem ghetto took place. Since Osofsky has written an account of all the events and details revealed in the series of events, he has made a detailed research about all the history that he could reach up to. The book is well documented about the afro-American migration in the early 20th century. Every new day bought a new turn in the making of the ghetto and Osofsky has managed to analyze every detail in a colorful and informative manner. This book would take you back in the 20th century and bring to you the history that was unreve aled yet eye opening. It shows the period of the black migration and settlement in Harlem exclusively. Gilbert Osofsky has written this book in three parts to make it much clearer and planned out. In the first part, he starts his book with an introduction to the Harlem settlement. Osofsky clearly gives a picture of how Harlem was before this migration. Harlem was a rich neighborhood with no blacks. Instead there were more of Jews and Italians who used to live in that community back in the 1800ââ¬â¢s and early nineteenth century. It shows an analysis of the social, economic and political conditions of a community which was known to be one of the finest neighborhoods in the nation. The creation did not greatly bring a change in the economic condition Harlem was in, but it was a change prominent enough to be seen than what it was to what it is now. Harlem was a wealthy area where ministers and rich people used to live in their mansions. He brings out the history of Harlem before the 20th century and then talks about the events through which this migration of the blacks took place. With his brilliant mind and analysis he reaches out the message to the people and convinces them that the social, economic and political factors were the major reasons why Harlem became a slum. These factors were also greatly the causes behind Harlemââ¬â¢s development equally. The real estate guesswork is what made the upper reaches of Manhattan more accessible for the black migrati
Sunday, August 25, 2019
How the internet has changed world culture Essay - 1
How the internet has changed world culture - Essay Example nd what made it more endearing to masses of people one can identify the most important element as its swiftness, that is, its capability in providing the details in an instant. This is quite made possible by Google and Wikipedia by opening the realm of knowledge within seconds, creating a culture where acquiring knowledge becomes more and more easy. The social changes that internet brought to the world is really notable that it gives due importance to relationships. One may say that the Internet is about relationships whether political, economic or social. The major impact of internet on our society and culture is not negligible. A revolutionary change occurred in society with emails when it replaced letters. Internet has wondrously reduced the time interval of hand written letters where one had to wait for weeks for a reply. Today instant emails across thousands of miles are quite possible. The advent of internet has helped a great deal in reducing the cultural differences that it enables one to have a clear picture of other cultures far beyond our own towns, cities and countries, and thus making the world smaller. To speak figuratively, world is in our handsââ¬âjust a click away. Another significant change has occurred in the educational and medical field. World has witnessed for a sudden change in educational sector that many modern universities have online based educational systems. The students and educators can clarify their doubts instantly through various educational websites and thousands of online libraries and can really improve the educational standards. One of the greatest changes brought by internet is in the medical field where the doctors could share and seek wise counsels or face to face interactions through online teleconferences from medical experts and successfully conduct even complicated surgeries. Internet has dominant influence in politics political system of a country. Internet has now emerged as an effective medium to gather
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Evidence-Based Practices Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Evidence-Based Practices - Essay Example The Role of Nurses in Research and EBP: Nurses are the frontline soldiers who meet with patients, conduct assessment reports, and they must research the best health solution applicable to each patient. Nurses, as actual practitioners, are also the best ones to conduct research studies, based on trends they may be seeing in their practices (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt 2011). Deductions can be made through the research involved in determining solutions, taking accurate records of treatment results, using clinical reasoning throughout the process, and providing outcome treatment results for either supporting current practices or providing a case for the need to change a current process. EBP Models Used in Hospitals/Clinics/Organizations: The model diagram below shows the typical process used in hospitals, clinics, and organizations on how medical practices use EBP as part of the common practice process for providing the best healthcare possible.à The Institute of Medicineââ¬â¢s Roundtable on Evidence-Based Medicine (IMREBM) addresses healthcare processes within a clinical setting to achieve best results in providing medical solutions. The group is made up of senior leadership from healthcare professionals, policymakers, researchers, third-party payers and patients (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt 2011). The emphasis is placed on efficiency in providing EBP in a timely manner, generating more evidence in supporting the most effective and valued healthcare strategies and, finally, developing best processes in disseminating healthcare evidence as part of educating the public (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt 2011; LoBiondo-Wood & Haber 2013).à The United States Preventive Se rvices Task Force (USPSTF) is an independent panel of experts who continuously review and recommend better practices in preventive services such as any type of medical screening, preventive medicines and best practices in counseling for the public.
Friday, August 23, 2019
New Product Development Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
New Product Development - Case Study Example It owns brands like easy Car, easy Money, easy Internet caf, easy Cinema, easy Pizza, easy Cruise, easy Mobile, easy Watch, easy Hotels, and easy Jobs etc. This strategy was called "diversification within diversification". This means that the company's individual business units become recession proofed by moving into as many diversified fields as possible, while enhancing the financial strength of the company. The Company follows the "easy" format of taking away the frills in something to make it cheaper overall. In the last few years the company has started to franchise the businesses to expand, and cut down costs. The easy Group profits by either selling shares in the businesses or by licensing or franchising the brand to reputable partners. easy Clothes has a range of apparels to cater to the taste and pockets of the young generation as well as the busy professionals. The easy Shirt comes in the price range 4, 18 and 75pounds. The high priced range is wrinkle free. The pullover also comes in three price range and the high priced one would cater to the older generation which prefers extremely soft clothes. Jeans also has three versions with the expensive one being more rugged. The low priced version of clothes would cater to the lower income group which is highly price sensitive. The market attractiveness could be analysed using Porter's model and the internal analysis could be done by value chain analysis. The market attractiveness varies with the market size, annual market growth rate, profit margins etc.The use of Porter's Five Forces mainly focuses on the industry structure analysis in the organisations external environment. It reveals the source of competition in an industry and external influence including the threats and opportunities of the industry that organisation has to face to obtain competitive advantage. Porter defines the rivalry of the organisation in relation to the industry where high rivalry leads to low profits. The threats from new entrants are heights of the barriers in place to stop them and define the profitability of the industry. Threats from substitutes is the threat by others to copy the product so the margin for guaranteed profit goes low and customers are more prone to change. The bargaining power of buyers depends on the price of the product and the leverage the customer possesses. Similarly the power of the suppliers is determined by how much the buyer needs the product and how much they are willing to pay. easyClothes is a company dealing with apparels. This industry is very competitive. There are some brands driven by quality and some only by price. Different companies have different target segments.easybusiness has been successful in creating a brand name in the market which caters to the price and brand/quality sensitive customers. Core Competence Matrix: -
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Specific airline Essay Example for Free
Specific airline Essay Evalute why the low cost carrier are so successful? Use specific airline industry examples to illustrate yor answers. low cost carriers are discount carriers which offer low transport fares for passenger services. Until the emergence of deregulation of the airline sector, the success of this type of airline was restricted to the United States. however, this particular lucrative concept of airline business now holds sway in Europe, Asia, America and other parts of the world. this tye of business is run on low cost; it also offers affordable low cost ticket prices. Low cost carriers in the airline industry have contributed a great deal to improved service delivery at convenient and reduced prices in the industry. this type of airline carriers can be local[transporting within a defined region or country] or transnational [operates beyond national boundaries]. their tickets are affordable by all. They also offer a variety of low cost services on the plane because of the nature of their services, they intrinsincaly attract the middle and low income earners who form a major bulk of the population. It is important to state that the pricing mechanism also differs in terms of discounts and exacts fares among this type of carriers. Apart from these pricing and operating mechanisms, some may adopt a simplified route mechanism to less-congested and more satisfying locations with perceived higher patronage; others could opt for simplified luggage, employee or fueling mechanism. the goal in each case is to reduce cost of service and offer good but affordable services. The success of this type of industry is here illustrated by the Southwest airlines, based in United States. It has been in existsnce in 1973, and has since enjoyed effective customer patronage, lucrative returns and comfortable service. Other cariers include easy-jet[UK], Ryanair[IRELAND] and Virgin blue[AUSTRALIA]. The Southwest airline is one of the largest low-cost carriers in the world, and is acclaimed the largest low income carrier in the United states; based in Dallas Texas. One of the most important mechanisms that have contributed to the success of this ariline is its unique ability to hedge fuel prices through profit-motivated trading in energy prices based on speculations about fuel prices. The aim is to reduce the expenditure while maintaining quality supply from reputable suppliers. It has also developed mechanism which encourage fuel efficiency particularly the jet engine pressure washer. It flies slightly over 60 destinations in the United States although it has plans to expand its target locations. Its corporate culture includes flexibility, which allows passenges change their seat reservations without charges. it also operates a unique passenger allocation to boarding groups which makes it faster to board the plane. The essence of this is that is offers great customer services which makes it rank among one of the best customer service providers in the airline industry; its welcome announcements and songs are warm, the in-flight service of meals and package of luggage have earned the airline a place in the heart of most passengers. their flexibility in pricing constitutes a risk to full-service airlines; as a result, they enjoy better patronage because thier services are cheaper. Beyond these, it also has excellent environmental protection records with respect to waste disposal.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Transnational companies Essay Example for Free
Transnational companies Essay Country H could concentrate completely on production of good X or of good Y, X = f(L + K) Y = g(L + K) but by doing so they would be using resources in production of one good that might be better used in production of the other. Therefore the production possibility frontier is concave. Note also that because country H is well endowed with capital, it can produce more of capital-intensive good Y than labour intensive good X, hence the bias in the curve towards production of Y. Because competitive firms wish to maximise profits, we can assume they will produce at some point along this PPF. The utility maximising consumers decide where. An important assumption made by economists in many trade models is that of community indifference curves (CIC). We can take an aggregate of all individual indifference curves to make a set of CIC. As long as trade is not allowed, production will take place at wherever the PPF is tangent to the CIC that is furthest from the origin. This is our autarkic point. One final point to make is that at this point the price ratio is equal to the slope of the PPF or the marginal rate of transformation (MRT). Mathematically, p = px/py = MRT =Ã Y/? X (where px and py equal the respective prices of X and Y). Thus for given production functions and community preferences in autarky country H will produce and consume at Ah. Similarly with opposite factor endowments but facing the same production functions and community preferences, country F will produce and consume at Af. Allowing free trade means that producers face a new international price ratio as a result of the equalisation of prices. They now have an incentive to produce more of what they can export because the can receive a higher price for it. The Heckscher-Ohlin theorem states that a country will export the good which intensively uses its relatively abundant factor. (Markusen et al 1995, p. 106). So in country H, the price of good Y will rise while that of good X falls, causing consumers to prefer good X. Producers of X however see higher profits can be made by producing good Y and because factors are intersectorally mobile, they can do so. The resulting surplus of Y can be exported at the international price level. Finally, consumption will occur where the international price ratio is tangent to the CIC furthest from the origin. Another consequence of free trade is the equalisation of factor returns. This is the consequence that labour unions in the developed world are concerned about. In our example, country H (we shall now assume to be the U. S. ) experiences an increase in the price of capital-intensive good Y (which might be aeroplanes) and a decrease in price of labour-intensive good X (for example textiles). The important consequence of different factor endowments in the two countries is that the resulting price ratios of goods X and Y are different. Therefore in country H, capital-intensive good Y is relatively cheap and labour-intensive good X is relatively expensive with the opposite being true in country F. Lowering the barriers to trade gives consumers in H access to the markets in country F, where they can buy the labour intensive good X more cheaply. Similarly, consumers in country F can buy good Y cheaply if they import it from country H. Producers in each country are then forced to adjust production to suit the new patterns of demand In questioning globalisation, Hirst and Thompson (1995) investigate the flows of capital around the world and show They suggest that negative consequences of this may include a reduction in the power of governments to control their own affairs. Although this is an important issue, worry from the perspective of an economist is the extreme pursuit of economic development with no consideration of health or ecological issues There are those who assert that globalisation is desirable and use economic theory to show that all countries concerned can benefit from an increase in trade. Alternatively there are those who question whether globalisation is really happening and conclude that there are not as yet trans-national companies who Julius (1990) and Ohmae (1990) claim that numerous TNCs within the developed world go wherever investors see a return on their investments. So during the 1980s a smart TNC would initiate operations in the emerging markets of Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong. When confidence was broken in the 1990s it would withdraw its assets from East Asia and head for safer shores to take advantage of the new economy in the U. S. This leads many to think that by examining capital flows one can identify transnational companies.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Study On The Alternative Medicine Reflexology
Study On The Alternative Medicine Reflexology Presently there are various methods of treatment for different types of diseases, such as cancer, asthma, and multiple sclerosis, and alternative medicine is becoming more prevalent among people despite the advanced technology. Many people nowadays try to avoid the use of medications because of the side effects. this is why people are attracted to alternative therapy techniques, because they want an effective treatment that is not costly and does not cause any harm. There are over a hundred different types of alternative medicine and the number is still growing. A few examples are: chiropractic, reflexology, hypnotherapy, reiki, ayurveda, kinesiology, homoeopathy, osteopathy, cranial therapy, various types of acupuncture, colour-therapy, massage, and sound therapy [1]. For example, Reflexology has been widely used in fields such as midwifery, orthopedics, neuroscience and palliative care [2]. 1.1 What is Reflexology : Reflexology is the physical act of applying pressure to the feet and hand with specific thumb, finger and hand techniques without the use of oil or lotion [3]. It is also called zone therapy, based on the notion that each body part is represented on the hands and feet and that pressing on specific areas on the hands or feet can have therapeutic effects on other parts of the body. The body is divided into 10 longitudinal zones-five on each side of the body. Each organ or part of the body is represented on the hands and feet; massaging or pressing each area can stimulate the flow of energy, blood, nutrients, and nerve impulses to the corresponding body zone and thereby relieve ailments in that zone[4]. Each part of the foot represent a reflex area that correspond to specific organ or part of the body, for example: the tips of the toes reflect the head the heart and chest are around the ball of the foot the liver, pancreas and kidney are in the arch of the foot low back and intestines are towards the heel This concept was furthered by physiotherapist Eunice Ingham into the modern practice of reflexology. Dr. William H. Fitzgerald, an ear, nose, and throat doctor, introduced this concept of zone therapy in 1915. American physiotherapist Eunice Ingram further developed this zone theory in the 1930s into what is now knows as reflexology. A scientific explanation is that the pressure may send signals that balance the nervous system or release chemicals such as endorphins that reduce pain and stress [11]. 1.2 The difference between Reflexology and Foot Massage: Reflexology is different from foot massage in that it involves more superficial contact, deeper pressure on certain parts of the foot and resembles a caterpillar-like movement. It has been claimed that by pressing the reflex zones, energy blocks or disturbances such as calcium, lactate or uric acid crystals are reabsorbed and later eliminated a process referred to as detoxification'[2]. In foot massage people typically use massage oil or lotion and use gentle gliding strokes all over the foot. Reflexology is quite different, while many people find reflexology relaxing. One of the reasons people often confuse the two is that some spas and salons advertise that they offer reflexology, but what people actually get is foot massage by a therapist who isnt properly trained or certified in reflexology [12 ]. 1.3 Reflexology Foot Chart: 1. Top of Head 2. Sinuses 3. Pituitary Gland 4. Temporal Area 5. Neck, Cervical 6. Upper Lymph Area 7. Parathyroid Gland 8. Ears 9. Eyes 10. Thyroid Glands 11. Shoulder 12. Lungs and Bronchi 13. Heart Area 14. Heart 15. Spine, Vertebra 16. Pancreas 17. Solar Plexus 18. Stomach Duodenum 19. Liver 20. Spleen 21. Spleenic Fixture 22. Gall Bladder 23. Adrenal Glands 24. Hepatic Flexure 25. Kidneys 26. Transverse Colon 27. Waist 28. Ureters 29. Ascending Colon 30. Descending Colon 31. Lumbar 32. Small Intestines 33. Sacral 34. Bladder 35. Ileo-Caecal Valve 36. Appendix 37. Sigmoid Flexure 38. Hip Lower Back 39. Coccyx 40. Sciatic Area 41. Rectum 42. Uterus 43. Prostate 44. Breast 45. Lymph Drainage 46. Fallopian Tubes 47. Lymph Nodes (Arm Pit) 48. Sacro Iliac Joint 49. Ovary or Testicle 50. Lymph Nodes (Groin) 51. Maxilla/Submaxilla (Jaw) 52. Tonsils 1.4 Reflexology Remedies: Some illness related to the: Skin: ACNE can be treated by applying pressure on specific areas; liver(19), gall bladder(22), adrenal glands(23), ureters(28), bladder(34), kidneys(25). Also ECZEMA can be relieved by applying pressure on other areas; Parathyroid glands(7), adrenal glands(23), kidneys(25), ureters(28), bladder(34). Digestive system: ANOREXIA can be treated by applying pressure on certain areas; Thyroid glands(10), stomach duodenum(18), small intestines(32), transverse colon(26), descending colon(30), rectum(41). GINGIVITIS can be treated by applying pressure on other areas; maxilla submaxilla(51), STOMACHACH can be relieved by applying pressure on this areas: stomach(18), and DIARRHEA NAUSEA by applying pressure on areas; Stomach duodenum(18), small intestine(32), ascending colon(29), transverse colon(26), descending colon(30), rectum(41), lymph areas(6). Circulatory system: HYPERTENTION can be treated by applying pressure on these areas: Head(1), kidneys(25), ureters(28), bladder(34), ear(8). ANEMIA; Stomach duodenum(18), liver(19), pancreas(16), small intestines(32), ascending colon(29), transverse colon(26), descending colon(30), spleen(20). HEART PROBLEMS can be treated by concentrating the applied pressure on these specific areas: Heart(14), stomach duodenum(18), small intestine(32), ascending colon(29) and IRON DEFECINCY be treated by applying pressure onthis area in the chart: spleen(20). Nervous system: ANEXIETY can be decreased by applying pressure on these areas as in the foot reflexology chart; Head(1), adrenal glands(23), kidneys(25), ureters(28), bladder(34), duodenum(18), small intestines(32), transverse colon(26), descending colon(30), rectum(41), EPELIPSY; Head(1), lymph areas(6). MIGRAINE can be relived by applying pressure on these areas: Head(1), frontal and temporal areas(4). BACKACH can be relieved by applying pressure on specific areas; Hip and lower back(38), spine(15). Immune system: TUMOR (CANCER) can relieved its symptoms by applying pressure on specific areas; Spleen (20), lymph areas (6), tonsil (52) (also reflex areas relating to the cancerous regions). Respiratory system: ASTHMA can be treated by applying continuous pressure on these areas: parathyroid(7), lungs and bronchi(12), kidneys(25), ureters(28), bladder(34), lymph areas(6). Also BRONCHITIS can be treated by applying pressure on certain areas such as parathyroid(7), lungs and bronchi(12), adrenal glands(23), lymph areas(6). Joints: PAIN IN THE HIP JOINT can be relieved by applying pressure on certain areas such as adrenal glands(23), kidneys(25), ureters(28), bladder(34), neck(5), hip(38). INFLAMMATION OF THE HIP JOINT can be treated by applying pressure on certain areas such as stomach duodenum(18), kidneys(25), ureters(28), bladder(34), hip(38), waist(27), vertebra and spine(15). And Parkinsons Disease can be treated by applying pressure on certain areas such as Head(1), neck(5), parathyroid(7), adrenal glands(23), stomach duodenum(18), pancreas(16), liver(19), small intestines(32), colon areas(26,29,30), kidneys(25), ureters(28), bladder(34), rectum(41) [14]. 1.5 History of Reflexology: Around the world and throughout history reflexology has been rediscovered and reinstated as a health practice time and time again by peoples around the globe seeking to deal with health concerns. Archeological evidence in Egypt (2330 BCE), China (2704 BCE) and Japan (690 CE) points to ancient reflexology medical systems. In the West the concept of reflexology began to emerge in the 19th century, based on research into the nervous system and reflex. While no direct evidence of direct cross-fertilization from ancient times has been discovered, the practice of foot and hand work in a variety of cultures, belief systems and historical periods speaks to reflexology for health as a universal bridging concept [3]. Reflexology was introduced into the United States in 1913 by William H. Fitzgerald, M.D. (1872-1942), an ear, nose, and throat specialist who called it zone therapy. He used vertical lines to divide the body into 10 zones. Eunice D. Ingham (1899-1974) further developed reflexology in the 1930s and 1940s, concentrating on the feet of Mildred Carter and a former student of Ingham subsequently promoted foot reflexology as a miraculous health method. A 1993 mailing from her publisher stated: Not only does new Body Reflexology let you cure the worst illnesses safely and permanently, it can even work to reverse the aging process, Carter says. Say goodbye to age lines, dry skin, brown spots, blemishes with Body Reflexology you can actually give yourself an at-home facelift with no discomfort or disfiguring surgery[4]. Some reflexologists who deny that they diagnose or treat disease claim that the majority of health problems are stress-related and that they can help people by relieving the stress associated with various diseases or body organs. And this type of double-talk is similar to chiropractic claims that subluxations lower resistance to disease and that adjusting the spine to correct subluxations will improve health [4]. 1.6 The benefits of reflexology: Our bodies are endowed with a wonderful self-healing potential. Sadly, this potential often remains unfulfilled because the vital energy pathways are blocked by illness, stress, congestion, injury, and toxicity. By applying a constant and alternating finger and thumb pressure to the feet and hands, the reflexologist induces a prolonged state of deep relaxation. Through relaxation, the body returns to a state of balance (known as homeostasis), as the energy flows freely from fingers and toes to the head, and only then can the body heal it [5]. It has also been suggested that reflexology may help release stress and tension, improve blood flow of the body and promote homeostasis. Anecdotal evidence has shown that reflexology is beneficial in many conditions such as pre- and postnatal discomfort, pain, migraine and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Other therapeutic effects, such as strengthening the immune system, improving sleep quality and wound healing, have also been claimed [2]. Reflexology like other forms of body work, can have a variety of benefits including [6]: Structural benefits: assistance with physical problems such as pain and mobility Emotional benefits: help in providing nurturing and holding Energetic benefits: restoring and mobilizing energy for self-healing The benefits of reflexology in general include [3]: Relaxation Pain reduction Amelioration of symptoms for health concerns Rejuvenation of tired feet Improvement in blood flow Impact on physiological measures (e. g. blood pressure and cholesterol; measurements by ECG, EEG, and fMRI) Beneficial for post-operative recovery and pain reduction Enhancement of medical care (e. g. cancer, phantom limb pain, and hemodialysis patients) Adjunct to mental health care (e. g. Depression, Anxiety, Post traumatic stress disorder) Complement to cancer care (pain, nausea, vomiting, anxiety) Easier birthing / delivery / post-partum recovery 1.7 The theories behind reflexology: The theory that reflexology definitely works with the central nervous system of the body is built on the studies done in the 1890s by Sir Charles Sherrington and Sir Henry Head, who showed that there is a neurological relationship between internal organs and the skin and the bodys nervous system can adjust to a stimulus. Therefore according to this theory, a pressure applied to the hands, feet or ears will send relaxing and calming messages to various parts of the body from peripheral nerves in the feet, hands and ears [7]. The Gate Theory and The Neuromatrix Theory also explain why reflexology produces relief from pain and stress. The theories suggest that the brain creates pain which is a subjective experience in response to cognitive or emotional factors; therefore ones moods and factors like stress and tension can affect our experiences of pain [7]. Thus reflexology therapy reduces pain by improving the mood and reducing stress. Another theory states that the human body has vital energy and there is congestion or choking of the energy flow which causes illness and disorders in the body [7]. Surgical interventions and medical therapies continue to evolve and offer hope to people with acute and chronic diseases. However, both patients and healthcare staff aware that technology and aggressive treatments are not the only answer to providing care and improving wellbeing. Stone (2001:55) suggests that both UK and US there has been a significant shift towards integrated health care and greater tolerance towards the inclusion of complementary therapies by governments and the medical fraternity. There is evidence to suggest that an increasing number of hospital trusts are employing therapists or allowing volunteer practitioners to provide therapies such as massage, aromatherapy and reflexology. There are also a growing number of research projects reporting on the use and benefits of reflexology and foot massage in hospital wards, managing pain, reducing anxiety, improving perceptions of care [6]. With the fast development of reflexology, now there is something called clinical reflexology, which is an advanced form of reflexology. It covers the application of reflexology within specific areas of clinical practice, including maternity care, and palliative care. Clinical reflexology is adapted to the clients needs using the most effective techniques to help with the clients problems and issues [15]. 1.8 There is an arguing about the use of touch therapies such as reflexology in the hospital, and Ashcroft (1994) has highlighted the stresses of hospitalization with acute illness [6]: The anxiety arising from being in an alien environment Being disturbed constantly for clinical observations and the administration of often uncomfortable medical investigations and treatments. Fear of dislodging intravenous and monitoring equipment Being unable to drink and eat normally Physical discomfort made worse by wounds, immobility, invasive catheters and sleep deprivation Intrusion from noise, light and smells Separation from friends and family 1.9 Where is Reflexology practiced nowadays, and for whom is used : Reflexology, although most commonly practiced in the community (Coxon 1998, Lett 2000) is now emerging as a choice for patients being cared for in mental health setting, maternity care and palliative care settings[6]. It has been suggested in the nursing literature that the introduction of reflexology and other complementary therapies in healthcare settings, could be an ideal non-pharmacological way of managing difficult symptoms, such as pain and nausea as well as reducing stress and limiting anxiety. Aside from the patient feeling the benefits, relatives too appear to gain satisfaction from the provision of reflexology [6]. Identifying when and for whom it is appropriate to offer reflexology present challenges. Currently, provision of reflexology in acute hospital settings is largely on an ad hoc basis, delivered by existing healthcare staff or as part of a pilot or research project (Dryden et al 1999) [6]. Volunteer reflexologists may visit wards and departments supervised by clinical staff, providing only short treatments without any remuneration to selected patients deemed suitable for treatment. Finding a mutually convenient time is important, avoiding mealtimes, ward rounds and at peak visiting in the early evening. Dryden et al (1999) found that the best time to offer treatment was early afternoon, when the ward had a rest period and there were few visitors [6]. 2. Many literature reviews about the studies that been conducted to see the effectiveness of reflexology technique on symptoms occurs in patients with chronic diseases such as cancer and osteoarthritis. A study done by Nancy L.N Stephenson et al. on the effects of Foot reflexology on anxiety and pain in cancer patients. It is a quasi-experimental, pre/post and crossover study. A sample of 23 inpatients from different medical/oncology units in hospitals of southeastern united states with breast or lung cancer were participants in this study. The majority of the sample were female, Caucasian and 65 years old or older who were receiving regularly scheduled opioids and adjuvant medications on the control and intervention day. The patients were divided into two groups randomly. Group A: receiving a foot reflexology to both feet for 30 minute total by a certified reflexologist in the first contacts and group B: receiving the same intervention in the second contact. The pain and anxiety were measured using two instruments; the VAS, the simpler one and the Short-Form McGill Pain Questionnaire (SF-MPQ) prior and post the intervention time. The VAS used to measure the anxiety, is a 10-cm lin e with verbal anchors at each end stating not anxious at all to the most anxious I have ever been(McGuire, 1988). Following the foot reflexology intervention, patients with breast and lung cancer experienced a significant reduction in anxiety. Also one of three pain measures showed that patients with breast cancer experienced a significant decrease in pain. An additional study is required to determine the effects of foot reflexology on pain as measured by the intensity sections of the SF-MPQ, the VAS and IPP. There were no significant decreases in pain between the two groups because the crossover design allowed the 23 patients to be their own control; some of them were taking medications to manage their pain. Limitation of this study were the small sample size and the crossover design [8]. When reflexology is provided in a palliative care setting it is essential that the patient is at the center of the treatment process because living and dying is ultimately a unique, intimate and personal journey. Reflexology can offer a means of relieving physical symptoms and of facilitating emotional and spiritual wellbeing, but requires the therapist to practice with awareness, sensitivity, intuition and adaptability. Reflexology cannot promise sustained improvements in physical health but can provide therapeutic touch and the space and attention to support patients in connecting their mind, body and spirit [2]. Reflexology can also be invaluable in helping carers to cope both before and after the death of their loved ones. It is vital that reflexologists acknowledge their contribution within the team of health professionals involved in caring for the person and the family and the need for practice to be based on contemporary evidence-based knowledge. Sensitivity and humility enable the practitioner in reflexology to provide holistic, individualized and appropriate care for people at perhaps the most difficult time of their lives [2]. Another study is done by Miss.Serawal Haera et al. about the effect of reflexology on joint pain in knee osteoarthritis patients on 21 May, 2003. A quasi-experimental research method was used, a sample of 30 knee osteoarthritis patients with pain were selected by purposive method at the orthopedic clinic, outpatient department of Phrae Hospital. Simple change-over design was used in this study to compare the difference of joint pain scores among patients before and after intervention. The subjects were randomly assigned to the experimental period first followed by the control period, and vice versa. In the experimental period patients received reflexology for 1 hour/day for 7 days, and in the control period patients didnt receive reflexology for 7 days. The instrument for data collection were demographic data and information about knee osteoarthritis, the assessment of joint pain in patients with knee osteoarthritis, and a daily record of joint pain, medication used and daily activi ties. The data were analyzed by using frequency, mean, standard deviation and ANOVA for simple change-over design. The results of this study showed that the joint pain score in the experimental period after receiving reflexology was statistically significantly lower than during the control period. What this study revealed is that reflexology can be use as a complementary therapy to relieve joint pain and decrease drug used for pain relief [9]. In the study by Siev-Ner et al. (2003) the reflexology group demonstrated statistically significant symptom relief in a study of patients with multiple sclerosis. Compared with no improvement in the massage group, scores for urinary symptoms, paresthesia and spasticity were statistically significantly improved, whereas muscle strength revealed only borderline improvement at the end of reflexology. The improvement in paresthesia remained statistically significant at the 3-month follow-up [2]. Statistically significant reductions in the severity of hot flushes and night sweats, measured by a visual analogue scale (VAS), were reported after 6 weekly sessions of reflexology, but no statistically significant difference was found between the groups receiving reflexology and non-specific foot massage for menopausal symptoms in the study conducted by Williamson et al. (2002). In terms of general well-being, both the reflexology and non-specific foot massage groups demonstrated an improvement in the Womens Health Questionnaire (WHQ) score. However, the difference between the two groups was not statistically significant. Similarly, although improvements in the two sub scores (anxiety and depression) of the WHQ were detected, there was no statistically significant difference between the reflexology and foot massage groups [2]. In the study by Brygge et al. (2001), the outcomes of lung function tests including peak expiratory flow (PEF) and the ratio between forced expiratory volume in 1s and forced vital capacity (FEV1/FVC) did not improve after reflexology in patients with bronchial asthma. In addition, the reflexology group was not superior to the sham foot massage group in lung function improvement [2]. No statistically significant changes in patients with irritable bowel syndrome were observed either within or between the reflexology and sham foot massage groups in the study by Tovey (2002). Abdominal pain, constipation/diarrhea, and bloating remained unchanged after the reflexology treatment [2]. Also about the edema of the feet in late pregnancy, women with oedema in late pregnancy perceived less swelling and tightness as compared with the pretest level in the reflexology treated group, according to Mollart (2003). However, there was no statistically significant improvement in mean ankle and foot circumference measurements after lymphatic reflexology. There were also no statistically significant differences among the lymphatic reflexology, relaxing reflexology and rest groups [2]. These studies showed that reflexology is can be used as one of the effective techniques in physical therapy treatments, because it showed an effective results in treating the symptoms of the common diseases that been treated with physical therapy such as pain in cancer, osteoarthritis, LBP, and MS. Reflexology also shows it is effectiveness in pregnancy and childbirth. Women who actively choose to receive regular reflexology during pregnancy have been shown to gain a degree of relaxation that indirectly impacts on the developing fetus [6]. Some women may have been attending for treatment prior to conception and may even have sought help for infertility, subfertility, or premenstrual syndrome. Anovulatory infertility may be resolved through the stimulation of the reflex zones for pituitary gland and ovaries whilst general relaxing reflexology can be helpful where stress and anxiety appear to be contributory factors. Stress, tension, anxiety and fear affect every pregnant woman to a greater or lesser degree [6]. Reflexology can have profound benefits at this time, although whether this is due to physical effects of reflexology, the therapeutic value of human touch or the psychological effects of interaction with the therapist is debatable. Specific physiological disorders of pregnancy can be treated effectively with reflexology or reflex zone therapy. Some physiological conditions respond with just one or two treatments of no more than 10 minutes duration, with no further appointments being necessary. These include nausea and vomiting, constipation, carpal tunnel syndrome and heartburn. Also reflexology can be extremely relaxing, pain relieving and psychologically comforting during labour. Following delivery, reflexology can be used to treat women with physiological disorders of the puerperium, including constipation, haemorrhoids, perineal discomfort and inadequate lactation. Relief from ongoing discomfort following epidural anesthesia, such as backache, neck pain or headache, can also be obtained (Tiran 1996) [6]. 3. The contraindications for reflexology are [10]: If the patient has contagious or acute infectious disease recent surgery of malignant tumor foot wounds, burns or infection deep vein thrombosis/phlebitis pregnancy (treatment should be done with caution to certain reflexes and caution should be taken particularly in the early stages of pregnancy) avoid reflexology when you are using alcohol or street drugs or strong pain medication such as morphine recent or healing fractures active gout affecting the foot osteoarthritis affecting the ankle or foot or severe circulation problems in the legs or feet should seek medical consultation before starting reflexology 4. The recommendations for developing and integrating reflexology in clinical practice [6]: Evaluate hospital provision of reflexology for benefits and find the best ways of delivering treatment through quality research and audit activities. Presentation of conference papers, workshops and poster sessions on complementary therapies, such as reflexology, covering various specialties. Share best practice in reflexology in journals covering a wide range of clinical areas, e.g. intensive care, accident and emergency, and orthopaedics Establish and/or practice in complementary therapy/reflexology networks and specialist interest groups to obtain support and share best practice. Establish and/or practice in a Trust or hospitals Complementary Therapy Committee Ensure that only qualified complementary therapists with experience in managing patient care in the private and public healthcare sectors are employed Support practitioners to complete courses in specialist application Provide and support supervision and management arrangements for all practitioners providing reflexology, for example, by employment of a Complementary Therapy Coordinator/Practitioner 5. Conclusion: Reflexology should not be considered a cure for any condition. It is used to relieve or reduce symptoms, problems, and stress affecting the body. Health professionals should be cautious about a reflexologist who claims that this is a valid way of assessing health or for treating diseases. Even reflexology is not a cure but is a technique to reduce the symptoms associated with chronic diseases. From my perspective, I think that physiotherapist should become familiar with the benefits of reflexology and master this amazing technique so they can use it in their treatment sessions; because it is effective in reducing anxiety and pain in cases of chronic diseases such as cancer. There is very little researches about the effects of reflexology. As such studies were set up to examine the effects of reflexology treatments on cancer, arthritis, LBP, MS and pregnancy symptoms, the results were qualitative and quantitative and showed that there are a number of areas of possible benefit for pati ents with these chronic diseases. But a larger scale study with a longer time frame is needed for a full evaluation of these effects. At the end, I would like to clarify that physical therapy is different from reflexology, but that does not prevent to use it in the treatment of some chronic conditions that are difficult to relief their complicated symptoms by using only physical therapy techniques.
Certified to Live :: Graduate Admissions Essays
Certified to Live à The day had finally come, and now it was over. I had worked diligently for four years, and what did I have to show for it? One measly little degree. All that work just for a piece of paper. à That night, after the graduation ceremony, I tossed and turned thinking about the past four years and what this degree meant. According to the University of Southern Mississippi Honors College, I was now certified to be a filmmaker. But what did that mean? Sure, I knew how to work a camera, edit film; I even knew the format for writing a script. I could classify movies into genres, and decipher the most complicated plots. However, these things did not ensure me a career in film. I needed talent, creativity, and drive to really be successful. I was suddenly very nervous about what I was going to do if I failed, and even got out my old college bulletin to look at other possible majors. A few more years of school did not sound so bad. à Then, I started recalling the past few years of my life. I had had so much fun in college. Staying up all night and talking with my friends, people-watching on the campus lawn, all those midnight McDonald's runs. College had been my first time to really be away from my family and friends. It had given me a chance to really come into my own, to realize the kind of person I really wanted to be. I had been able to make mistakes freely, and learn from them. à Throughout the four years, some of my professors had been wonderful. There had been my Freshman Comp. Professor who had pushed me until I finally became a good writer. My film editing instructor had always liked my work, and said she would help me to get started in the business. à The more I thought about it, the more I realized I knew.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Magnetic Susceptability :: essays research papers
Magnetic Susceptability Abstract: à à à à à The change in weight induced by a magnetic field for three solutions of complexes was recorded. The change in weight of a calibrating solution of 29.97% (W/W) of NiCl2 was recorded to calculate the apparatus constant as 5.7538. cv and cm for each solution was determined in order to calculate the number of unpaired electrons for each paramagnetic complex. Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2â⠬6(H20) had 4 unpaired electrons, KMnO4 had zero unpaired electrons, and K3[Fe(CN)6] had 1 unpaired electron. The apparent 1 unpaired electron in K3[Fe(CN)6] when there should be five according to atomic orbital calculations arises from a strong ligand field produced by CN-. Introduction: à à à à à The magnetic susceptibility is a phenomena that arises when a magnetic moment is induced in an object. This magnetic moment is induced by the presence of an external magnetic field. This induced magnetic moment translates to a change in the weight of the object when placed in the presence of an external magnetic field. This induced moment may have two orientations: parallel to the external magnetic field of or perpendicular to the external magnetic field. The former is known as paramagnetism and the later is known as diamagnetism. The physical effect of paramagnetism is an attraction to the source of magnetism (increase in weight when measured by a Guoy balance) and the physical effect of diamagnetism is a repulsion from the source of magnetic field (decrease in weight when measured by a Guoy balance). à à à à à The observed magnetic moment is derived by the change in weight. This observed magnetic moment arises from a combination of the orbital and spin moments of the electrons in the sample with the spin component being the most important source of the magnetic moment. This magnetic moment is caused by the spinning of an electron around an axis acting like a tiny magnet. This spinning of the à ³magnetà ² results in the magnetic moment. à à à à à Paramagnetism results from the permanent magnetic moment of the atom. These permanent magnetic moments arise from the presence of unpaired electrons. These unpaired electrons result in unequal number of electrons in the two possible spin states (+1/2. -1/2). When in the absence of an external magnetic field, these spins tend to orient themselves randomly accordingly to statistics. When they are placed in the presence of an external magnetic field, the moments tend to align in directions anti parallel and parallel to the magnetic field. According to statistics, more electrons will occupy the lower energy state then the higher energy state. In the presence of a magnetic field, the lower energy state is the state when the magnetic moments are aligned parallel to the
Sunday, August 18, 2019
How To Set Up A Repel :: essays research papers
How to set up a repel and repelling down safely à à à à à Before you start to learn on how to set up a repel you must gather the following tools: 2 people, rope that can reach the ground from where you wish to repel from (this should be 10 mm static rope), one figure eight, four carabineers, a harness, the knowledge of how to tie figure eight knots and water knots, two pieces of webbing long enough to tie from a stable off structure to your rope, and leather gloves. It should take you anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour to set up this repel. You must first go and find an area where you can repel down that has 3 places to tie off from. You must find 3 sturdy places that will not give way once you start to repel down. Some examples would be thick trees, steel beams, and concrete pillars. Then you must tie a figure eight knot at the end of your rope that you are repelling off from. Then you will wrap the rope around the secure structure five times and slip a carabineer in the figure eight and attach and lock it to the other end of the rope. Pull the rope so it is tight and there is no chance of slipping. Next find the other two places to tie off from and go ahead and tie the webbing into water knots around the tie off points and attach a carabineer and lock it to the webbing from the rope. Where you attach the carabineer to the rope you should also tie a figure eight knot in the rope. Once you have tied everything up you must then go ahead and test the ropes to make sure they will not slip. à à à à à Now that everything is safe and secure you must deploy the rope down to the ground. Before you throw the rope you must yell ââ¬Å"ropeâ⬠to let anyone below know what is coming down. Next put on your harness, and the person who is not going to repel down the rope should go ahead and go down to where you plan on repelling down to. They are going to go down there to be your safety if you start to fall. à à à à à Next you must put a carabineer through the bottom of your harness and also threw the belt as well.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
1984 Essay Essay
The main protagonist in fictional books or films is often labeled as a hero. In 1984 by George Orwell, the plot follows a man named Winston who is trying to rebel against the totalitarian government called Ingsoc. Ingsoc, also known as the Party, defeats Winston and because he is defeated he does not remain a hero in the readerââ¬â¢s eyes. Winstonââ¬â¢s lack of cunning, lack of courage, and lack of effort to defeat the Party shows that he does not fit the description of a hero. Winston is not a hero, but some might argue that he displays heroic characteristics. One might consider Winston a hero because he is brave enough to oppose the Party and rebel. However, Winston is not brave. Instead he is merely angry because he has knowledge of what Ingsocââ¬â¢s motives are and how the Party manipulates its citizens. If more people realizes the truth about the Party, they would likely rise up and rebel against the party like any reasonable person would. If Winston is truly brave, he would risk his life and fight the Party head on. Also, Winston opposes the Party and rebels, but his acts of rebellion have minimal effect on the Party. Winston may occasionally show signs of a hero but ultimately never lives up to it. Winston does not have the cunning edge that most heroes possess. He is often careless in covering his tracks and takes many foolish risks. For example, in part two, Winston skips an event at the Community Centre. Orwell explains how Winston is skipping his second evening at the Community Centre, which is an audacious act and Orwell also notes that his attendance will be monitored (94). Julia on the other hand, attends as many community events as she can and her performances during the Two-Minutes Hate are convincing so that the Party does not suspect her of committing thought-crime. If Winston were to be hero, he would need the cunning edge like Julia to outsmart the Party. Winston is also easily fooled because he trusts Mr. Charrington and Oââ¬â¢Brien without question. When Winston first meets Mr. Charrington and later rents the room above the antique shop, he never suspects Mr. Charrington as being potentially dangerous because he seems like a nice old man trying to make money to make ends meet. After renting the room Winston never examines the room thoroughly because he foolishly takes Mr. Charringtonââ¬â¢s word that the room is free of surveillance devices. Additionally, Winston absolutely trusts Oââ¬â¢Brien and reveals everything to him even though he is not sure whether Oââ¬â¢Brien is friend of foe. In contrast to Winston, heroic characters from other books and films are more cautious. Winston is a coward because he has many fears. In part two, Winston spots Julia while wandering around in the proletarian area and he immediately walks away in fear for his life because he believes that Julia is part of the Thought Police (Orwell, 115). He even considers killing her but instead, hurries home to safety. Heroes in todayââ¬â¢s society such as police officers never flee from danger. Instead, they confront danger to protect citizens. Furthermore, Winston is selfish because he betrays his family and Julia. On the other hand, heroes will act for the well being of others and not for themselves. For example, firefighters will risk their lives to rescue people. Winston also has a fear of rats which the Party uses to break him. Heroes can have weaknesses but most eventually conquer them. An example is Terry Fox who was determined to fight cancer even though it was holding him back. Heroes are different from ordinary people because they can overcome their weaknesses and they are always determined to succeed. Winstonââ¬â¢s lack of effort is another reason why he is not considered a hero. In part one, he writes down his thoughts on Ingsoc in his diary, but it is no use because he is keeping his thoughts to himself. Without Julia, he might have never opposed the party. Moreover, he believes that loving Julia is the ultimate act of rebellion, but it does not affect the Party significantly. He only rebels by loving Julia because he is sexually frustrated. In addition, Winston does not possess the leadership skills to start a rebellion. In the book The Mockingjay, Katniss leads the charge in the rebellion against the Capitol, because she passionately despises the oppressive government. In 1984, Winston has the passionate hate for Ingsoc but is unable to use it against the Party. Not only is Winston unable to spark a rebellion, he also has an idea of how overthrowing the Party might be accomplished: ââ¬Å"If there is hope, it lies in the prolesâ⬠(80). If Winston is truly a hero, he should be able to inflict more damage to the Party. It is evident that he is not much of a hero in the readerââ¬â¢s perspective because of his carelessness, cowardice and effortlessness. 1984 lacks a spectacular and heroic protagonist who is able to defeat the Party, and this is what Orwell intends. Winston weeps with joy because he finally loves Big Brother and the end of the book disappoints and even enrages readers. This will move readers to take action and prevent Oceania from becoming a reality.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Virgin Coconut Oil
Pilipog * The pilipog dwarf coconut is originally from the Philippines. Distinguishing features include female flowers, pink parts including the base of shoots, tips of roots and just germinated seedlings and round, green nuts. Read more:à Types of Dwarf Coconuts | eHow. comà http://www. ehow. com/info_8588814_types-dwarf-coconuts. html#ixzz2BPahLEvi Catigan * The catigan dwarf coconut is originally from the Philippines. Distinguishing features include medium-sized nuts, thick husk, long bunch rachis, round shape with a prominent stigmatic tip and green young nuts and petioles.Read more:à Types of Dwarf Coconuts | eHow. comà http://www. ehow. com/info_8588814_types-dwarf-coconuts. html#ixzz2BPamAIZK Mangipod Green * The mangipod green dwarf coconut is originally from the Philippines. Distinguishing features include strict dwarfism, high self-pollinating and retention of many ripe nuts at the crown due to the nuts drying while on the tree Read more:à Types of Dwarf Coconuts | eHow. comà http://www. ehow. com/info_8588814_types-dwarf-coconuts. html#ixzz2BPaqvpxp Refined * The main difference between virgin coconut oil and regular, organic coconut oil is the amount of refining the oil undergoes.Refined coconut oil means the oil has undergone a process of drying the coconut. This type of coconut oil may sometimes be called deodorized or bleached according to Live the Organic Life. This is usually done outside in the Sun. Generally, refined coconut oil is thought of as being of a lesser quality. Unrefined * Unrefined coconut oil may also be called virgin coconut oil. The type of method used to extract the oil from the coconut is done in the most natural way. This way, the coconut oil stays in its natural form without the use of any artificial filtering which is sometimes used in the process of refined coconut oil.No chemicals are used in the process of extracting coconut oil using this method. * Sponsored Links * Flour Mills Manufacturer Single flour mil l,small flour mill and complete set of flour mill. www. FlourMillMachine. com Smell and Taste * Virgin coconut oil maintains a sweet smell and taste of the coconut, whereas refined coconut oil will lose much of the flavor and smell. An easy way to know if coconut oil is unrefined is to hold a bit of it in the palm of your hand. Unrefined coconut oil should easily melt in the palm of your hand due to your body's temperature.Refined coconut oil will usually stay fairly solid without melting. Copra * Copra refers to the dried kernel or meat of the coconut. Refined coconut oil uses copras. Coconut oil made of copra is generally thick in consistency ââ¬â notably thicker than virgin coconut oil. Oil made of copra is too thick to use as a moisturizer for the skin or a conditioner for the hair because it will sit on the skin without being absorbed. This can clog the pores and actually do more harm to the skin than help. Read more:à Differences Between Organic Coconut Oil & Extra Virgi n Organic Coconut Oil | eHow. omà http://www. ehow. com/info_8283628_differences-virgin-organic-coconut-oil. html#ixzz2BPf8AlVu ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â- Description VCO is a pale yellow to colorless oil with a distinct taste and scent. [1]à According to the standards set by theà Bureau of Product Standardsà of the Philippineà Department of Trade and Industryà inà PNS/BAFPS 22:2004 with Amendment 1:2005, virgin coconut oil must be colorless, sediment free with natural fresh coconut scent and free from rancid odor or taste. It should not contain food additives and must have a maximum of . 0% moisture and volatile content to prevent rancidity. [2] ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â- Background Natural coconut oil has long been used in theà Philippines, since the raw material s are easy to obtain and the oil is easy to manufacture. Coconut milk, from which VCO is obtained, is a staple ingredient in most, as well as theà coconut oilà itself. Coconut milk and natural coconut oil are also used as hair conditioner and skin oil. When research showed the beneficial effects of natural coconut oil, the Philippines initiated market access for what is now called Virgin Coconut Oil.According to the Philippineà Department of Science and Technology, it wasà Mt. Banahawà Tropical Traditions that first entered the U. S. market in 2000 with an initial export of 800 kilos of VCO, which increased to 19 metric tons in 2002. In 2005, there were about 200 VCO producers with an approximate production capacity of around 250 to 300 metric tons per month. Aside from the VCO used as food supplement, VCO is now also used in other products such as coconut butter or cream, massage oil, shampoos and lotions. [3] ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â- Production Process ere are three methods used in manufacturing virgin coconut oil. * Drying. Fresh coconut meat is quick-dried over low heat to produce the oil. * Wet-milling. Fresh coconut meat is squeezed to produce coconut milk. The oil is then separated from the water and other components of coconut milk through various methods such as boiling, fermentation, refrigeration, use of enzymes, and use of mechanical centrifuge. * Fermentation. This is the traditional method. Coconut milk extracted from fresh coconut meat is fermented for 1 to 3 days for the oil to separate from the water and other components of the milk.The oil is then slightly heated to reduce moisture content and filtered. [1] ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â- Significance Virgin coconut oil contains lauric acid, a medium chain fatty acid, which once dige sted is converted into monolaurin. Lauric acid is also found in human breast milk, and provides immune building properties to protect an infant from infections and diseases. Monolaurin destroys lipid-coated viruses, various pathogenic bacteria, and protozoa. [4]à A study done byà Conrado S.Dayrità on HIV-infected patients atà San Lazaro General Hospital,à Manilaà showed that virgin coconut oil has an anti-viral effect and can reduce the viral load of HIV-infected patients. [5]Research done by Mary Enig concludes that contrary to established belief, having virgin coconut oil in the diet helps to prevent hardening of the arteries and heart disease more than other vegetable oils. [6] ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â- References 1. ^à 1. 0à 1. 1à 1. 2à Virgin Coconut Oil website. (accessed November 16, 2007). 2. à Department of Trade and Industry website. News article on Virgin Coconut Oil Standards (accessed November 16, 2007). 3. ^à Philippine Council for Industry and Energy Research and Development (PCIERD) ââ¬â Department of Science and Technology (DOST) website. News article on Virgin Coconut Oil (accessed November 16, 2007). 4. ^à Virgin Coconut Oil website. (accessed November 16, 2007). 5. ^à Coconut Oil in Health and Disease: Its and Monolaurinââ¬â¢s Potential as Cure for HIV-AIDS. Study done by Dr. Conrado S. Dayrit (accessed November 16, 2007). 6. à The Effects of Coconut Oil on Serum Cholesterol Levels and HDLsà Report 14, Keep Hope Alive by Mary Enig, on the Emerging Worlds of Progressive Medicine website (accessed November 16, 2007). 1. Why is Virgin Coconut Oil healthy? Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) contains no cholesterol. It is high in lauric acid, the main nutrient found in mothers? breast milk that is known to strengthen human immune system. It is made up mostly of medium chain fatty acids (MCFA) making it easier to di gest and absorb by the body. VCO also naturally contains vitamin E, a well-known anti-oxidant that protects our cells from damage. à | 2. How is VCO different from other coconut oils? VCO is made from fresh coconut meat (non-copra). It is extracted through cold process and no chemicals were added in the process. On the other hand, commercial grade coconut oils are made from copra (sun-dried coconuts) and undergo refining, bleaching and deodorizing (RBD), which make the nutrients and natural taste disappear, and may contain harmful chemicals. | à | 3. How does Nutrizen Extra Virgin Coconut Oil differ from other VCO? Nutrizen Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (EVCO) is extracted through an ââ¬Å"absolutely no heatâ⬠mechanical process.It does not undergo fermentation where coconut milk is left for 12-24 hours to let oil and water separate. Nutrizen EVCO is extracted and packed within a few hours from the time the coconuts were picked, making it fresh with no rancid smell and taste. | Coconut Oil Extraction Methods By Jane Peterson, eHow Contributor Read more:à Coconut Oil Extraction Methods | eHow. comà http://www. ehow. com/about_5417900_coconut-oil-extraction-methods. html#ixzz2BPlTbA00 Coconut oil extraction can be done through traditional methods or with help from modern machinery.Pressure, heat and motion are forces that are often used to separate the coconut oil from the white coconut meat. Depending on the type of extraction method used, the coconut oil extracted may be completely pure, or it may require additional refining processes. Aqueous Processing * Using water to extract coconut oil is also known as aqueous processing. The first step of this method is to separate the flesh from the shell of the coconut. Next, the coconut meat is boiled in water. As the coconut meat cooks and softens, oils escape from the meat and are separated from the water; the coconut oil is skimmed from the surface and collected.Ram Press * The ram press literally presses the coconut oil from the coconut using blunt force. This type of press utilizes a heavy piston and metal tube that is able to filter out the coconut oil; once the coconut meat is loaded into a metal tube, a hydraulic jack is used to power the press into the meat and the oil is squeezed out from the tube and collected. Ram press coconut oil extraction helps to preserve the coconut oil in its raw state and does not require further refining methods. * Sponsored Links * Yifan ââ¬â Mobile Crusher Specialized in Mobile Crusher, Export to 50 Countries.Contact Us! www. yfcrusher. com Mechanical Centrifuge * A mechanical centrifuge can be used to obtain virgin coconut oil, which is considered to be one of the purest forms. During this process, coconut meat is emptied into a machine which chops the meat into tiny pieces. These little pieces are placed into a light screw press and the milk is extracted from the meat; then, the remaining coconut is placed in a high speed mechanical centrifu ge which rapidly spins the coconut. Through the spinning process, the oil is separated from the meat and collected.Mechanical centrifuge coconut oil retains a strong coconut taste and smell and requires no refining processes. Ghani Extraction * Ghani coconut oil extraction is a traditional method that uses a giant pestle and mortar system to crush the coconut meat. Today, mechanized Ghani extraction systems are available, although traditional Ghani presses powered by donkeys or horses are still in use. While Ghani oil extraction results in a pure form of coconut oil, it is labor intensive and collects less oil than methods mentioned above. Expeller Method An expeller coconut extraction method uses a mechanized cylindrical barrel to create a pulverized version of coconut meat known as coconut cake. Heated coconut is placed into the barrel where a rotating metal rod is used to crush the coconut. This process helps to breakdown the constituents of the meat to prepare the meat for oil e xtraction. The last step in the processes uses a chemical solvent, hexane, to separate the coconut cake from the coconut oil. Refining is often necessary to cleanse the extract from the oil. Read more:à Coconut Oil Extraction Methods | eHow. comà http://www. ehow. om/about_5417900_coconut-oil-extraction-methods. html#ixzz2BPlgucUh ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â- TYPES OF COCONUT OIL Coconut oil has been widely used in Asian and Pacific countries throughout history. The oil is extracted from the coconut and used in soap, cosmetics and cooking. According to the Coconut Research Center, coconut oil was also used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of health problems due to its anti-microbial properties. However, when it comes to coconut oils, not all are created equal. There are different types that have different uses and benefits. Virgin Coconut OilAccording to the Coconut Dev elopment Board of India, virgin coconut oil is extracted from fresh coconut meat. During this process, no high temperatures or chemicals are used, allowing this variety of coconut oil to maintain many of its natural health properties. The fat contained in this type of oil is about 50% lauric acids. Lauric acid is converted to monolaurin in the body, which is considered an anti-microbial substance leading to improved immunity. In addition, virgin coconut oil is made up of medium-chain fatty acids, which are believed to be metabolized more efficiently than other fatty acids.This leads to claims that coconut oil can assist with weight loss, which are supported by scientific findings, including an article published in the journal Life Sciences showing that an increased energy expenditure after eating medium-chain fatty acids could promote weight loss. Sponsored Links Soap making machineJiujiang Yixin produce all kindsà of soap making machinewww. jx-yixin. com/en Refined Coconut Oil Re fined coconut oil is extracted from the copra, or dried coconut kernel. According to the World's Healthiest Foods (WHFoods), a non-profit, research-based health organization, refined coconut oil undergoes rocessing, bleaching and deodorizing. It is often referred to as ââ¬Å"RBD Coconut Oilâ⬠to stand for ââ¬Å"refined, bleached and deodorized. â⬠This type of coconut oil is often used in cooking because it has a desirable smoke point of about 450 degrees Fahrenheit. However, the processing used to make this type of oil can disrupt the favorable fatty-acid balance, which is often associated with the health benefit of coconut oil. Organic Coconut Oil Organic coconut oil is named for the origins of the coconut the oil comes from.According to Organic Facts, a privately owned website with the goal of distributing unbiased information on organic foods, these coconuts should come from palm trees grown in organic manure. There should be no use of synthetic fertilizers or insect icides. Further, there should be no use of chemicals in the extraction of the oil. WHFoods states that choosing organic coconut oil leads to a stronger assurance of higher quality. However, Organic Facts concludes that it is very difficult to verify the validity of organic coconut oil to ensure that it is, in fact, organic.In addition, it is nearly impossible to tell the difference between organic and non-organic coconut oil in terms of flavor and odor. Organic coconut oil can also be found in the virgin form, which is highly regarded due to its being both virgin, meaning more natural, and grown under organic conditions. While extra virgin coconut oil is a term sometimes used, there is no set standard or recognition of the use of the term ââ¬Å"extra virgin. â⬠Sponsored Links http://www. livestrong. com/article/22890-types-coconut-oil/#ixzz2BPsloYRp The Coconut TreeIn many areas of the world, especially the tropical tourist type of places, the first thing that you see on any of the advertising media be it television, guide books of post cards are white sandy beaches and Coconut Trees! I am sure that most people reading this will probably say something like, Coconut trees, so what about them? The simple Coconut Tree is probably one of the most useful and versatile trees in the world as it is as near as can be 100% usable and many areas people rely on this tree for their survival and protection from the elements and other uses! Typical AdvertisementAs a kid in England, we saw the Coconut Fruit at the fair grounds or carnivals, they were small brown hard shelled nuts which were actually good for Copra, not really for eating but we did not know any better and ate it as it came. The thought that the nut actually grew within the protective confines of a Husk never came to light so you can imagine my surprise when I joined the Army, travelled overseas and saw Coconuts in their natural form! Being from Bradford, at first I did not believe it but when I saw one being opened then the reality of the situation took over and I then believed what I saw, bloody amazing I thought!Over the years I have traveled to many different countries and have seen millions of Coconut Trees but it was really here in the Philippines that I actually saw the many different uses and the different things that can be done with the different parts of the tree. Actual Beach Scene. The first thing that you see in many areas of the Philippines are piles of ready cut Coco Lumber which is used in all kinds of construction projects from the basic scaffolding, roofing, door frames etc. It is not really the best construction lumber as it has many problems attached to it.To get useful lumber from the tree it must be at least 60 years old, this gives it a good chance of giving good hard lumber. Before a tree can be cut down, someone has to climb the tree and remove all the Coconuts, if not, when the tree comes down all the Coconuts will be fired away like cannon balls in all d irections as the tree will whiplashà before it hits the ground! To cut the lumber is not easy as there is no grainà as you get on a normal treeà just a fibre type of structure which gives all kinds of problems when cutting which makes the chain saw the preferred tool for cutting the lumber.In the same tree you will get both hard and soft wood, if the tree is cut before it is really mature, the soft parts of the tree will dry out like Balsa Wood which is pretty useless for any purpose with the exception of firewood and it burns so fast its really not much good for that! A Modern Dwarf Coconut Plantation. One English friend of mine ordered some Coco Lumber to construct a building but was very unhappy with what was delivered. He complained that the lumber was too soft and had water coming out of it and said it was reject and he would return it!I advised him to use it straight away while it was still fresh but he kept on complaining for another couple of months before he cooled do wn and decided to use it! His next complaint was that he could not drive a nail into it as it was too hard, in the end he had to pre drill every hole and use concrete nails to join the pieces together! A very sad part of this story is that the Coconut Trees as we know them are being chopped down by the millions for the building trade but unfortunately they are being replaced with new Dwarf Varieties which will produce Coconuts within 5 years but will never grow to the size to give any amount of lumber.The outer skin of the tree can be used for making fences as it is very tough and braves the elements very well. I used it when we had our Carinderia to clad the inside walls. Once varnished it looks very good and makes an unusual but pleasing to the eye type of finish. Harvesting. As the tree is growing we all know that coconuts are harvested, this is about every 3 to 4 months. The younger nuts are opened and the soft sweet meat, Buko is the local name, is eaten and the juice can be dr unk. The milk of the Coconut is really full of every good thing that the body needs to survive with the exception of potassium which you get from bananas!In the Second World War, many prisoners of war owe their lives to the healthy milk and meat of the Coconut! As a piece of usless information, did you know that more people are killed every year by falling Coconuts than are killed by Sharks! Beware or Ouch. Within the older nuts, the meat is thick and hard and is called Copra, this meat is first dried and then processed into all kinds of things, oil, soap, cosmetics and even fuel for vehicles! Without the Coconut many of the worlds female population might not be quite as good looking as the Coconut products do wonders for their skin!Thatââ¬â¢s not quite the end of the actual Coconut as the shell can be cooked and turned into a type of high quality charcoal while the husk can be processed and turned into very hard wearing door mats or as I remember once again from being a kid, the big and very course floor mats in the school gym! In some households the maids will use half of the coconut husk under one foot and will polish the floors to a high shine while dancing to music! This could be a good workout for some of you ladies out there! Tuba Collector with his collector. Pretty impressive for just a tree donââ¬â¢t you think but there is more!As the tree is still alive, local people the world over milk the sap from the tree and let it ferment into Tuba or Palm Wine as it is called in some countries. The problem with this harvest is that the men in the household get the younger members to do the daily harvest then the older men like to drink it! The wives, who want to sell the Coco Vinegar are prepared for this so usually allow the men to have one container to drink while they secretly squeeze calamansi juice into the rest causing the fermentation process to start immediately thus making the sap wine undrinkable!Ready to Harvest. Once the tree has been cut dow n, within the top portion is what they call Coconut Heart. This is a kind of vegetable I suppose but is very good to eat and is made into several dishes including spring rolls! The leaves of the tree are used for roofing material and is totally waterproof if maintained correctly. The Philippine name for this kind of roof is Local Zinc! Many people who visit the Philippines are truly amazed when they shelter under a Coco Nipa Roof and stay dry.There are probably more uses for the Coconut Tree which I have not discovered yet but I am sure that by now, the next time that you see a Coconut Tree you might think of this useful edition to any country in a different light! In Dubai for instance they have even built a new island in the shape of a Coconut tree! Weird. ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â- Philippines: Researchers develop high-yield coconut varieties by making hybrids out of hybrids The Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA) is succeeding n its 16-year search for ideal coconut varieties to replace aging and unproductive coconuts through a novel method, making synthetic varieties out of hybrids and ensuring higher yields through better coco juice, copra and other byproducts. Administrator Oscar Garin has been trying to implement a replanting system that would reduce substantially the tall varieties favored by Filipino farmers and replace them with hybrids that come from multiple ancestors, with most of the planting materials developed in the silty, clay loam of the 425-hectare San Roque PCA farm in Zamboanga City.Garin, who has been in the forefront of the battle against the invasive coconut pest Brontispa longissima, earlier slapped a moratorium on the cutting of coconut trees to preserve tree stands that had been saved from the pest and improve production. For nearly 70 years, the country dictated copra prices since the Philippines sold nearly 80 percent of its domes tic production of coconuts, scientifically known as Cocos nucifera L. PCA breeders at the Zamboanga Research Center (ZRC) are actually working to develop a unique farmersââ¬â¢ variety that would fit the tradition of planting seeds from any high ? ielding tree for successive cropping. Since the late 70s, PCA had been developing an open pollinated variety (OPV) through the hybridization of hybrids of six Tall coconut cultivars, with research intensifying in the last 16 years. Thus, they have developed a genetically multi-ancestored coconut variety that combines the agronomic qualities of the four local farmersââ¬â¢ traditional Tall varieties (Laguna, Bago Oshiro, Baybay and Tagnanan) and two foreign varieties (West African and Rennel. According to Garin, the results of this untried method of coconut breeding could provide the answer to the countryââ¬â¢s persistent need for low input, high quality planting material. In effect, the PCAââ¬â¢s work is the pioneering geneticall y enhanced coconut variety that combines high yield precocity, vigor and durable genetic stability from generation to generation, said Ramon Rivera, head of ZRCââ¬â¢s breeding and genetics division. The synthetic variety, now known as PCA Syn Var001, Rivera, along with PCA breeders G. A. Santos, S.M. Rivera, E. Emanuel and G. B. Baylon, noted that to revive and develop the coconut industry, there was a need to use fertilizers to increase yield in old strands and accelerate replanting of ââ¬Å"senileâ⬠and unproductive palms. The hybrids grow faster and are more precocious apart from producing higher and more stable yield of copra. However, they produce many small nuts and are threatened by short lifespans due to the influence of dwarf parent and could be unsuitable for the partiality of farmers to use seeds for a net crop.Using the seeds from hybrid varieties or simply planting second generation filial seeds was discouraged mainly due to its disastrous results technically, the second generation seeds were mixtures of all sorts of individuals resulting from combined effects of open pollination, cross pollination, self ? pollination and backcrossing that occurs during the time of pollination. In overcoming the problem, the PCA focused its breeding strategy on the farmersââ¬â¢ practice. The idea was to breed and select coconut planting materials with high and stable yield. It should also reproduce through open pollination.In their research, the PCA breeders found that coconut hybrids were good, but developing countries like the Philippines could hardly sustain their use. As they cited in their study, ââ¬Å"the use of the synthetic variety offered prospects but it would take a long time before we can perfect this unconventional method. â⬠Yet, they also quickly pointed out that this unconventional method of ââ¬Å"making ââ¬Ëhybrids out of hybridsââ¬â¢ could be the cheapest and sustainable answer to the persistent problem of supplying elite planting materials for the countryââ¬â¢s planting and replanting program. Today, the propagation of the synthetic variety is being considered by the PCA as the ultimate strategy in the mass propagation of improved materials. (biolife news service) Philippines: Coconut seed farms eyed for synthetic variety The Department of Agriculture through the Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA) is eyeing the establishment of more coconut seed farms in strategic coconut-growing areas for its latest hybrid, the Orgullo Tall SV San Ramon Coconut Variety.Otherwise known as the synthetic coconut variety, this superior coconut breed developed by scientists at the Philippine Coconut Authority -Zamboanga Research Center is a high-yielding coconut variety recognized as the first in the world, said Ramon L. Rivera, head of the PCA-Zamboanga Research Center. Rivera presented the business prospects for technology transfer during an investorââ¬â¢s forum at the Nido Fortified Science Discovery Center at the SM Mall of Asia in Pasay City last week as part of the 5th National Biotechnology Week celebrations. Dubbed as OK ang Kabuhayan Sa Biotech! the forum aims to commercialize products of agricultural biotechnology through public-private partnership, said Department of Agriculture-Biotechnology Program Office (DA-BPO) outgoing director Alicia Ilaga. She said through technology transfer, the DA-PCA and her office aims to encourage investors to help put up coconut seed farms all over the country to meet the expected increase in the demand for coconut both here and abroad. ââ¬Å"With the increasing demand for coconut because of the biofuels law, the prospects for putting up coconut seed farms are bright,â⬠she said.According to Rivera, the product, the first in the country and recognized as the first in the world, has a yield potential of 7,730 to 20,540 nuts per hectare or equivalent to 3. 2 to 6. 7 tons of copra per hectare. He said the synthetic coconut variety produces 60 to 150 nuts per tree, a 50- to 260-percent more than the current average of 43. ââ¬Å"Unlike the hybrid palms, second generation SV San Ramon nuts can be replanted and assured to bear fruits even more. This pioneering genetically enhanced coconut variety combines high yield precocity, vigor, and durable genetic stability from generation to generation.This characteristic of the SV San Ramon fits the farmersââ¬â¢ unique tradition of planting seeds from any high-yielding tree for successive cropping,â⬠he said. According to the DFA-BPO, coconut production constitutes one of the four major sectors of Philippine agriculture, the others being rice, corn, and sugar. Coconut is planted in 3. 258 million hectares, which accounts for 27 percent of the total agricultural lands. About one-third of the Philippine population depends mainly on coconut production for its livelihood.Sixty-eight (68) of the 79 provinces in the country are in the coconut regions, producing an average of 14 bill ion nuts annually. In terms of export earnings, coconut is rated as an $800-million industry. These facts could only underscore the coconut industry to obviously be of crucial importance to the country, Rivera stressed. ââ¬Å"A 50-hectare farm requires an estimated initial investment of P12 million. Financial projections showed that this investment could generate an IRR of 38 percent, with payback period of 10 years,â⬠he said.Meanwhile, individual farmer-investors who would like to develop a one-hectare of Syn Var monocrop, needs an estimated amount of P65,000. This amount excludes the cost of lot for development. In a 25-year projected production period, an IRR of 30 percent and a payback period of 11 years could be achieved, he said. Orange Dwarf Coconut, is a beautiful yellow and orange colored variety of Coconut commonly grown in Konkan region of India. In Konkani, this variety is known asGendale. Many of my family members who own farmlands and ancestral fields take great pride in harvesting this variety of Coconut.I have vivid memories of sipping farm fresh coconut water drawn from freshly plucked Coconuts from my Grandfather's farmlands. In those days, Coconuts were an easily available commodity and paying for a bunch of them was certainly unheard of. The Orange Dwarf coconut tree grows to about 10-15 metres in height as opposed to conventional Coconut trees which shoot anywhere from 20 to 50 metres in height depending on the soil, climate and type of nutrition provided to the tree. When I was a child this variety was a common one.However now with less forest regions and dwindling green fields and farmlands this Coconut is becoming a very rare and precious variety. A chilled glass of this coconut water is by and far the best and tastiest one I've ever had. Many agro and horticulture based initiatives are currently being undertaken to propagate and multiply this rare and precious variety of Coconut. Difference between a brown coconut and a green co conut? There is only one coconut, produced by the coconut palm tree, which may come in green or red/orange colours.The difference in green or brown is simply differing stages of maturation. Green or young coconuts commonly have their tops sliced off, add a straw and presto you have a ready-made refreshing tropical drink! That isà coconut water, which is very different from theà coconut milkà used in cooking. The meat is tender and translucent, which you can scrape out to eat after your drink or add it to fruit salads & canned mixed fruits for a tropical twist. Brown or mature coconuts are commonly sold with the already brown dried husk removed.The meat has become more firm and opaque white. I understand that some people produce coconut milk by mixing the meat with the coconut water eg. Hawaiians. In South East Asia, the brown shell with just a thin layer of meat left is ground up. The fresh ground coconut is placed in a muslin bag with 1 cup of water added, the bag is then squ eezed to produce thick coconut milk (equivalent to canned coconut cream); this is used in SE Asian desserts & added at the end of cooking curries for extra creaminess & coconut flavour.After the first squeezing, about 4 cups of water are added for the second squeezing to produce a thinner coconut milk that is more liquid. This can be added during the curry cooking process, for desserts, making coconut rice etc. Note that if you let coconut milk boil, it tends to separate and the resultant curry has a higher chance of turning rancid. And yes, you need to refrigerate coconut milk as it spoils fast.
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